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Storyline: Koji keeps getting flustered by Steve's constant flirting and everyone finds it hilarious.

A/N-do you have that friend that you flirt with just to fluster them. I know I do. I'm talking about you bud

Koji jumped onto the VC after seeing Steve on it alone.

"Good morning Steve!" He called into his microphone. Steve, who was a flirt, just smirked before responding.

"Well good morning baby. And how are you?"

"Steve! Stop flirting with me!" Koji scolded. Steve hummed in response before answering with words.

"Where's the fun in that now? I don't have to," Steve said back and Koji rolled his eyes before he muted.

"Chat, why does Steve do this?"

"You missed the mute button bud. And besides, I like that you get flustered easily," Steve said and Koji jumped a little.

Both their chats were laughing at Kojis red face as he pouted.

"Well knock it off Steven!" Koji snapped. He didn't actually want him to but he didn't like his face being red.

"Sorry bud. That's no fun for me. Alright sweetheart?"

"What is with the pet names?!" Koji asked and sighed in defeat. No way was Steve gonna stop this until they both got bored of it.

"Awwwww, Koji~ you're so cute when you get flustered," he cooed at his friend. Koji muted and glared at his camera.

"I should really start ignoring you guys when you tell me to go talk to Steve," he muttered and unmuted.

"You're aware I'm watching your stream right now, muting isn't really helpful," Steve teased and Kojis face went another shade of red.

"Would you stop that!"

"Why is Kojis face red?" Hafu asked as she joined the call. Steve hummed and deafened so he could go play geoguesser. "Koji?"

"Let's just say, I blame everything on Steve right now," he said and tried to dodge the question.

"Mhm. Whatever. Code is up for the lobby," she said and Koji joined happily

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