May and the abandoned Ponyta

Start from the beginning

“That was very brave of you May.” She said as Ponyta allowed Nurse Joy to handle it. It kept an unnerving eye on May though watching her even though it had to be in pain.

“It’s okay Nurse Joy, I would never leave a Pokémon in trouble presides any more thrashing and...” May felt her voice hitch as she recalled the scene she had intruded on. “Any more and this poor Ponyta would have been in more pain.”

“So nice of you.” Nurse Joy smiled as Chansey offered her a med kit. “This Ponyta has been running around here for quite some time, I come out here to check on it regularly.”

May frowned from what she knew Ponyta’s ran in herds. “Is the herd nearby?”

“No, this Ponyta was ran off from its herd about a few years ago and have been all alone since.” Nurse Joy lowered her head but not before May saw a tear escape her eyes and drop into Ponyta’s mane.

“Ran off? But why?”

“Because there is room for only one leader, and its elder sibling was much more stronger and forced it out of the herd to survive on its own. These black streaks on this Ponyta show its breeding it would have taken over or remained in the herd if its sibling had not run it off.”

“So it has survived on its own like this? In the forest? Not, not the plains where the others like to live?” May asked feeling just a little sympathetic. This Ponyta had to have endured quiet a lot considering it was a herd animal.

“Yes, it is very mistrustful and usually avoids contact with others unless provoked. It gets into a lot of fights and trains very hard.”

“Train? For what?” May frowned running through many reasons why Ponyta would want to train hard. “You can’t mean it wants to challenge its brother right?”

Ponyta snorted, May guessed it agreed for Nurse Joy also nodded her head. It was a natural reaction to being thrown away May guessed but still to her, it was somewhat ridiculous. In the end when she thought about it, even Pokémon have pride. This Ponyta surely had to have its pride and faith shattered; now its focus was to single-mindedly gain entry to some place it had once felt it belonged. The herd.

May met Ponyta’s eyes as she continued to contemplate. It was not something impossible to accomplish, there were so many times she had attained what others thought as the impossible. Times she watched Ash attain or get as close to that goal as possible through his dedication and bonds with his Pokémon.

Her Wartortle had struggled pass shyness and problems using moves to be the best it could be for her. This Ponyta wanted to show that it was strong and capable to its herd, its family. There was nothing wrong with that.

May allowed herself to grin. If anything, she herself wanted to become a part of it. If she could, she wanted to help this Pokémon show its true power to the herd, who knew what that would accomplish but you sure got points for trying.

“Ponyta?” May asked maintaining eye contact with the Pokémon. “If you would let me I would love to help you out. I’m not sure what I can do to help you, but I know I want to. If you would want me to battle you, maybe time your racing set up obstacles for your jumps or even if you just want me to watch, I want to do it.”

Nurse Joy had finished up with her treatment and was giving May a contemplative look. “May, are you sure you want to just help Ponyta? I mean Ponyta is wild and you could become endangered in some way.”

“I’m sure Nurse Joy. This is something I’m accustom to. When I first started on my Pokémon journey I helped my fair share of Pokémon. I even helped my share of Pokémon.” May paused as she thought about some of the things she herself had faced on her own. “When I travelled alone, I even got hurt a bit. It wasn’t the Pokémon’s fault but even being a cheerleader or a bystander can lead to a few injuries.”

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