Chapter 50 - Don't belong here

Start from the beginning

"It's good to hear your voice," he said like he read my mind. "I wanted to apologize personally for the failed council meeting. Michonne had a strong point, unfortunately..."

"I get it, it's fine. I'll wait. But tell me how are you doing? Did your knee heal completely?"

"Of course, it did, I'm in perfectly fine health, thank you very much. How's your stomach?"

"It's fine, it hurts sometimes, but it's fine. I have a badass scar now."

"Don't overdo it just yet, be careful with it."

"Alright, I will," I heard some noises from Eugene's side.

"Uh... I have to go now. Rosita wants something," he said and signed off.

I smiled. I was happy to hear him even if it was just a short conversation.


A week later

I was going through the to-do list that Ezekiel gave me. He has been to Oceanside for a week already. I managed pretty fine. The leader's duty was basically just to check everything if it works, it's going fine, if anyone needs help with anything. Until I heard the buzz of the radio. I pressed the button and leaned closer.

"Hilltop, do you copy?" I heard Gabriel's voice.

"This is Quinn, I copy."

"Quinn, hi! It's been a long time," said Gabriel, I could hear in his voice, that he was smiling.


"There's a reason I contacted you," his voice turned serious quickly. "I just spoke to Oceanside. They found a skin mask."

I gasped. They are back. They're going to start all over again. Henry is in danger.

"Quinn? Do you copy?"

"Yes, I copy. Thank you. Copy and out."


I released the button and stared in front of me for a couple of minutes.

They are back. I got goosebumps all over my arms. Chills going down my spine. Tara... Enid... Almost Henry...

I stood up quickly and headed to the fighters, to make them alert.


Negan, Alexandria

Negan was enjoying the sunshine while he was tending to the tomatoes. He saw the council going to the hall while interrupting the lesson inside. Children vanished quickly. Some things never change. But then he saw Lydia come out too, bumping into Henry.

"Hey, what's wrong?" asked Henry.

"This is stupid," said Lydia through gritted teeth.

"Reading?" asked Henry.

"Yes. It's not normal," said Lydia angrily.

"You don't have to learn it if you hate it that much. It can be useful sometimes." Henry tried to calm her. He took her hand. "If you can read and write, you can leave messages to others. How do you find each other when someone is lost?"

"We don't," said Lydia aggressively. "We leave them. I mean, my mother does."

Henry couldn't answer to that.

"Can we practice now?" Lydia asked.

"Sure. Let's go get the sticks," said Henry with a slight smile. They vanished, then returned after a little while.

I fell in love with the devil |The Walking Dead| NeganxOC |CarolxDarylWhere stories live. Discover now