I don't have time for this, I have to go to Mikey!

I saw Mikey chasing Kazutora on top of the pile of junked cars. Is Kazutora running away? What is he planning?

"so this is the 6th division captain," One of the Valhalla members in front of me said. "he looks pretty weak to me"

"Don't underestimate him, he took out 20 guys so far" Another one added.

"He can't take all 15 of us at the same time," The guy wearing a mask said as he went straight towards me and manages to punch me in the cheek.

I went in and uppercut his stomach and roundhouse kicked him in the head. I was being ganged up, I'm starting to get exhausted but I still managed to knock out 6 of them.

"Are you guys serious?!" Kazutora said from on top of the junk pile, laughing. "You guys are seriously being beaten up by a girl? Pathetic!"


"There's a girl?"

"What is he talking about?" 

"Kazutora!" Mikey yelled for Kazutora to stop but he didn't.

"Didn't you guys know? Toman's 6th division captain is a girl" Kazutora announced to everyone "Ain't that right Inumaki Akaza?" Everyone was speechless, in complete shock.

"Inumaki? From Ikebukuro?" I heard someone say

I couldn't help but laugh.

"I guess the secret is out," I said as I pulled off my beanie, revealing my long black and blonde hair. "So what if I'm a girl? I can still kill all of you" I said with a smirk.

"I can't hit  a girl!" I heard the Valhalla members say.

"Well, I can hit boys," I said as I knocked out 2 other guys.

"What are you guys afraid of? If you guys hold back, I will kill each and every one of you" Hanma yelled at his members. Out of fear for Hanman they did attack me with full force, and I was enjoying it.

"Don't worry Mikey, I got it under control!" I assured Mikey, he smiled at me and went back to Kazutora.

"A girl huh?" Ryuuji said as he backed me up. 

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you, Mikey and Draken said not to tell anyone," I told him "Don't hold it against Mitsuya either, I told him not to tell you"

"We'll talk about this later," He said as he punched "We have a problem, everyone is losing hope"

I surveyed the surroundings and saw that everyone has given up. This was what I was afraid of, Valhalla has double the numbers, plus they're older and stronger than us.

Ryuuji and I then headed to where Draken and Mitsuya were, Draken was trying his best to protect the members who were tired and afraid. We have to help them too, we can't let Draken do all the work.

"Draken!" I called out as I ran in his direction "We got your back"

"You guys need to calm down!" Ryuuji told the Toman members who were on the verge of breaking down. I have never seen Toman so hopeless before.

A lot more of Valhalla came in our direction, ready to fight. This isn't good, I'm starting to get tired myself. If this keeps up I'm going to run out of energy.

Draken, Mitsuya, Ryuuji, and I tried out best to knock out as many members of Valhalla as we can, to protect our members.

We then heard yelling from the side. It was Takemichi, he was badly beaten but he was still going. He was about to pass out and yet he continued to fight.

"Come and get me, you assholes!" Takemichi yelled spinning his arms around.

"Damn," I said as I let out a soft chuckle, I'm completely amazed by this guy. "Not too shabby"

"No way you will take me down! I will finish this fight!" Takemichi said as he was dragging himself, he was exhausted but he didn't give up "I'm gonna fight AND KICK ALL YOUR ASSES!"

Takemichi was about to fall but Mitsuya caught him by the shoulder and helped him up. 

"Not bad, Takemitchy," Mitsuya said with a smile.

Everyone in Toman then started getting up and getting fired up.

"Damn, we're so pathetic"

"Why are you whining?"

"You were whining too!"

"Who cares if they got the numbers!"

"Let's do this!"

"Let's show them what Toman is made of!"

"Draken" Mitsuya called out to Draken "You don't need to worry about them anymore" 

Now Draken is free to move however he wants. Get ready to witness Toman's 2nd in command! 

"Draken, I'll help you get to Hanma" I told him as I stood beside him.

He smiled and started stretching his legs, getting warmed up.

"Time to get offensive," Draken said all ready to go. "You've opened my eyes, Takemitchy" He said praising Takemichi's determination, because of him, Toman's will of fire started burning again.

Everyone started charging at Valhalla and was backing up Draken. Ryuuji and I followed behind Draken trying to knock out as many guys as possible, but they were still too many.

But it didn't matter, Draken can finish them all off by himself.

But it didn't matter, Draken can finish them all off by himself

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