Sienna felt awkward and she looked at her feet. "Yeah, I am." She hadn't acted on her suicidal thoughts in ages, but she's thought about it for quite some time. To be completely honest, it's always been on her mind. She just never really told anyone about it. Not even Noah. Not even Vic.

It made her a bit sick to her stomach to think about how much she was lying to herself.

"Are you sure, Sienna?"

"Yeah, I am." Sienna replied, smiling to ease the suspicion. Aaron seemed to relax a bit and his phone dinged. He looked down at it and made a noise that didn't sound remotely human.

"Oh gawd!" Aaron squealed. "Look at my doggy! 'Manda just sent the picture to me!"

Sienna glanced down at the screen and she chuckled at the Boston Terrier dressed as a reindeer. "She's so cute! What's her name?"

"Her name is Daisy." Aaron replied, giving Sienna a little nudge as he typed in a reply to his wife. They walked further until they reached the hotel room that Sienna shared with her dad. She could hear the laughter of multiple voices behind the door. She rolled her eyes and opened the door with her key card and was greeted by Jaime, who threw a pillow at her face.

Sienna squeaked and ducked at the last second. The pillow flew into Aaron's face instead.

"Intruder!" Jaime shouted, clearly a bit tipsy. "Intruder! Someone is attempting to break into our quarters!"

"And she is succeeding like a champ." Alan grunted from Sienna's bed. Sienna gave Alan an odd look and strolled her way past Jaime who was trying to trip her and she plopped herself on her bed, ignoring Alan, who budged over a little bit to give her space. She didn't mind it though, she just shut her eyes and curled up beside Alan, yawning.

"Are you tired?" Austin asked, his voice coming from the opposite side of the room. Sienna shrugged one shoulder and yawned again.

"More or less, yeah." Sienna mumbled, covering her eyes with her arm and curling in next to Alan. Alan threw his arm around her and she felt her body relax. The guys kept their voices down low, with the occasional loud high pitched shout. But for the most part, Sienna was exhausted, so it didn't bother her as much.




"Did you know Sienna has never had a pet before?" Austin said in hushed tones as Sienna was sleeping on the bed with Alan.

"That's crazy!" Tony retorted, his eyes widening. Austin nodded, glancing down at his phone. It was nearing 4am. "Not even a fish?"

"Nope." Austin sighed, shaking his head. Vic, who was spread out between Austin and Sienna's bed on the floor, scoffed loudly. Austin peeked down to see Vic and Jaime, along with Mike, Phil, and Aaron laying on the ground in their pillow fort.

"Are you serious? What kind of person never had a pet before?"

"Sienna," Austin said softly. Sienna stirred in her sleep, groaning a little, making the mean hold their breaths nervously, hoping they didn't wake her. When she settled back into Alan's side, Austin started talking again. "I was thinking about getting her a a dog or something..."

Tino, who was sitting on the edge of Austin's bed, smiled widely. "That should be fun! I love puppies! What kind of dog?"

Austin shrugged. "I'm not sure. Maybe a German Shepherd." Austin shrugged again and he sighed. "I mean, I'm not going to be home a lot, and chances are, she's probably going to be home alone a lot more than usual for someone her age, and I want to make sure she's safe. Also, German Shepherds are great protective dogs."

"Yeah," Alan said thoughtfully, "but personally, I like cats better than dogs."

"But what the hell is a cat going to do if there's a robber trying to break into the house?"Austin asked, crossing his arms over his chest. "Meow aggressively at him?"

"Well..." Alan broke off, rolling his eyes.

"I think a German Shepherd is a great idea," Aaron praised. "It's a cool dog, it's big, it's sweet, and it attaches itself emotionally to it's owner."

"Agreed." Vic grinned. "And if you get the dog, make sure that we're a part of the training process so we won't get attacked if we visit on a whim."

Austin nodded, pulling out his phone to search up dog breeders around his area at home. As he was searching, he heard Sienna mumble something incoherent in her sleep. All the men in the room stopped what they were doing and held their breath, waiting to see if she was actually waking up.

She wasn't adjusting to the time differences at all, seeing how she was reacting to the time on the west coast while they were in the UK. Poor thing.

Sienna didn't make a noise after that, so Austin assumed she was sleeping again. Austin rubbed the back of his neck and bookmarked a couple of people on his safari app that he was going to look into in the morning.

"So what are we going to do for y'all's birthdays?" Austin asked, mildly changing the subject.

"Alysha is coming!" Mike said, a bit too loudly. Austin glanced at his daughters sleeping figure, but by the way Alan was laying beside her, it seemed that she was passed out cold. "She's surprising me. But I already know she's coming. But she's coming."

"Well, that's good." Phil snorted.

"She's coming to the concert, that's it though." Mike nodded. Vic laughed and Austin rolled his eyes.

"You two were basically made for each other." Vic teased.

"Hey, at least she's not freaky." Mike defended himself. "She's maybe a freak in bed, but that's it."

Vic gagged and Austin just ignored their brotherly-ness.

"Are you going to tell her you're getting a puppy for her birthday, or no?" Aaron asked softly. Austin shrugged.

"I think I will tell her, yeah. I should tell her, right?"

"Yeah, it'll be cute!" Jaime squealed. "She can plan her puppy's name and shit!"

"Jaime, shut the fuck up! You're going to wake her up." Tony snapped from the ground. Jaime smirked and spread out on the floor, finding himself cuddling with Vic. Austin bit at the inside of his cheek and he closed his eyes, hearing the others talking fade away too. Maybe a puppy would help Sienna settle more. She needed it.


Hi guys,

Thank you so much for sticking with me on my hiatus. I apologize for not updating recently. Someone in my family passed away exactly 15 days ago, and it has been the hardest 15 days of my life. I have needed time to just re-evaluate my life and things. I was really close to this guy and it was really hard to see him die. I don't know. I'm getting all depressing and shit. My depression, actually speaking of depression, has gotten steadily worse and I've been unmotivated a lot. I don't know. I'm slowly going through life right now.

Also I have been playing the game Town Of Salem a lot, and y'alls should play with me. The game is literally the shit. It's perfect.

I will be updating soon, when I get the time, but I wouldn't count on it being this week. I love you all! Thank you for voting and commenting. I love all of your guys' comments. They make me really happy and they motivate me. Don't hesitate to leave a comment. Seriously. DO NOT HESITATE TO LEAVE A COMMENT. THEY BRIGHTEN MY DAY.

ANNNND, thank you so much for the 1 million views! You guys are the best, and I love you to pieces!

Chapter goal: 120+ votes, 20 comments

Chapter Quote: "Why Is It Always Stormy Weather? And Brother, Tell Me If It Does Get Better; Why Did You Leave? Why Did You Die? You Finally Made Your Brother Cry, I Know You're Looking Over Us Tonight, I Hope You're Watching Over Us Tonight" - Brother ~ Falling In Reverse

Austin Carlile Is My Father? (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now