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"What in the actual blooming hell?" Lyra exclaimed, her eyes wide as she covered her mouth with her hand.

We were seated in the Great Hall, engrossed in our breakfast, and had strategically chosen seats near a group of seventh-year Slytherin boys who were oblivious to the goings-on in the lives of two fourth-year Slytherin girls.

I had just recounted the intricate details of my first kiss with Malfoy to Lyra—details that she had insisted on, much to my chagrin.

The memory had played out in vivid detail as I described it to her, and now I found myself questioning myself for holding onto every minute aspect of that moment.

"Don't give me that look." I practically pleaded, covering my face with my hands in a futile attempt to hide my embarrassment.

This whole time she had been smiling, giggling, smirking, gasping and looking flabbergasted.

"I just can't look at you normally right now..." Lyra said, shaking her head with utter disbelief dripping from her face, still looking perplexed.

"Neither at him." She added as her eyes shifted to presumably Malfoy.

I followed her gaze line, looking over my shoulder and indeed found her looking at the blonde but just as our eyes met, he seemed to sense our attention and turned his head in our direction.

Lyra's and mine synchronised, awkwardly averted gazes suggested that we both had the same intrusive thought at that very moment.

"Smooth." I muttered under my breath, realising Lyra's and my less-than-subtle reaction.

"Alright, go on." The brunette urged, her eyes still sparkling with excitement.

I took a deep breath, ready to continue my story. "Well, the second time something...bizarre happened between us was in the Common Room. I couldn't sleep —it must have been around two o'clock or so— and out of nowhere, he joined me."

"And then?" Lyra inquired eagerly, taking a bite from her toast

"Briefly—" I began, but my words were promptly cut off.

"No! Not the brief version. You know the drill—I want all the juicy details."

"Why are you putting me through this?"

She smirked, her eyes sparkling mischievously. "Because it's hilarious."

I sighed deeply, resigning myself to the storytelling task at hand. "Alright, so, I was sitting in front of the fireplace, just lost in my thoughts and unexpectedly, Malfoy joined me, which wasn't all that unusual, considering we often end up in the same places."

I paused, recollecting the details as Lyra listened attentively, waiting for me to continue.

"We had one of those aimless conversations that seem to be our speciality. But then, after a while, he noticed the state of my face. This was the night after the Sirius and Remus incident, so I hadn't been looking my best. Mind you, he hadn't seen me for two days, and I guess it was pretty obvious that something was off."

Lyra's eyes widened in curiosity, and I continued, my voice taking on a contemplative tone.

"Once he realised how battered my face was, he started asking questions. You know, the usual interrogative Malfoy-style. 'Who did it?' 'What happened?' It was almost like he cared, and for a moment, I actually thought about telling him the real truth about Sirius. But I couldn't, not at that moment. I felt like I was teetering on the edge of tears because of unfairly Sirius was imprisoned, and I definitely didn't want to break down in front of that infuriating cousin of yours."

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