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With a euphoric feeling, I left the Great Hall with Malfoy by my side, hand in hand. We had just submitted our final exam which was theory of Charms, meaning our O.W.L.s were finally done after two weeks of suffering.

Now, for the last week of school, everybody could enjoy the nice weather without having to revise, study or lack a large amount of sleep.

All the conversations from the fifth-year students from all four Houses surrounding us changed from asking how the exam went to what they were hearing in combination with exchanging excited and ignorant glances when a faint sound came from outside-

Sizzling, popping and crackling.

Malfoy yawned, running a hand through his hair, "Whatever the hell's happening, please tell me you're not involved?" He asked, eyeing me warily.

I angled my head, looking up at him, "Such little faith in me, Malfoy. I haven't done anything troublesome in almost two months." I said proudly.

To clarify, two months meant since the beginning of May: the period Umbridge became Headmistress, and we're nearing the end of June.

The reason for my reduction in getting into mischief and inconveniences? Draco Malfoy.

It was willingly, because of what happened between us that day...I never want to experience that ever again.


I declined when Harry invited me to join him, Hermione and Ron on their visits to see Grawp, Hagrid's half-brother, in the Forbidden Forest.

I declined when Harry asked me to help him write an article for the Quibbler, Luna's father's magazine, about Voldemort's return.

I declined when Harry asked me to sneak into Dumbledore's office with him under the Invisibility Cloak, using the Marauder's Map's help to find out what happened to the old man.

However, I cannot deny that I would've liked to participate in those things but as a normal girlfriend to my Hogwarts sweetheart, I would have had to tell Malfoy about those things but needlessly to say, he wouldn't have been in favour of any of them.

Of course, I could have lied to him, but I had vowed to myself never to do so again, except when it came to the Order and Sirius' whereabouts.

Speaking of those two things with anybody that Alaster Moody did not accept was as good as illegal – sounds dramatic but that's what it feels like.

Lyra wasn't even allowed to know about the secret society at first but considering Nymphadora is an official Order member and she's my best friend, he eventually gave the permission.

"Must be a record...if you're telling the truth." Malfoy spoke mockingly, looking down at me.

I rolled my eyes at his remark when I noticed Ginny passing by in the Entrance Hall, looking like she had an idea of what was going on.

"Ginny!" I called, "What's happening?"

She raised her eyebrows, sighing, "My two idiotic twin brothers...They're setting up fireworks on their brooms and decided not to care about getting into trouble because they're graduating this week!" She said enthusiastically.

I huffed, "Have they ever cared then?"

She laughed, "Good point. Let's go outside now, shall we?" She suggested, shifting her gaze between Malfoy and me before she disappeared into the crowd of black robes, her bright red hair dancing behind her.

Turning to Malfoy, I perceived that he was not a fan of Ginny's idea which was in contrast to my own feelings on the matter.

I took his hand and slowly walked backwards, facing him, "Come, Malfoy, I know you want to see too."

Potter's Twin Sister || Draco MalfoyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя