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"Remus," I said in a quiet voice, gently tapping his shoulder to wake him up.

Shortly after the cookies and milk, he had gotten into a drowsed state as Sirius told us anecdotes (with a grin the whole time) from back in the days with himself, Remus and Mum and Dad — he didn't mention Peter once in any of the short amusing stories.

Opening his sleepy brown eyes, the corners of his mouth curved into a tender smile as he lifted his head up from the backrest.

"Good night," I said in a mild voice, smiling.

He limply brought up his hand, holding my chin for a second with his index finger and thumb, "Sweet dreams, Amelia."

Sending him a last soft-hearted look, I got up from the sofa and moved to Sirius and Harry who were talking lowly until I approached them and they both went silent, "What are you two scheming on, huh?" I asked, looking up at them.

"Christmas gift matters." Sirius replied, throwing an impish glance at Harry.

"Fair enough." I said happily, looking very much forward to Christmas.

Sirius chuckled when Harry and I both couldn't stifle a yawn, at the exact same time.

"Come here my little James clones," Sirius sighed as he wrapped his arms around our necks, pulling us closer to him and saying under his breath, almost inaudible, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

"Good night, Pads," Harry said after we withdrew from each other again, "Sleep well." I added.

"Sleep tight, you two." He said, shooting us a placid smile, "Mind my Mother on your way up." He raised an eyebrow.

Silently, Harry and I went up the stairs to the first floor where the portrait hung with Mrs Black in it. Luckily we managed to get to the second floor without her waking up and having her screaming at us and cussing us out for half-breeds, blood traitors and other words along those lines.

Then this question came up to me by seeing the portrait, "Have you seen Kreacher?" I asked, "I haven't seen him." It's not like his absence bothers me, quite the opposite, I just noticed it.

"Only when we arrived here." Harry said, "Sirius had yelled at him to get out and since then I didn't see him either for the rest of the evening."

"Oh, well," I shrugged, "Good night." I said in a mellow tone.

"You too, 'Mel." Harry said lowly and somewhat weirdly.

His actions matched his bizarre tone because he didn't move or proceed into his room, and as a result, neither did I because I had a feeling I knew why.

Harry looked like he didn't want to go to sleep, at least not alone which was more than reasonable and expected after the tragedy with Mr Weasley which he feels blameworthy and guilty for while everyone has tried to explain to him, he's not.

His Adam's apple bobbed, "Do you think I can-"

I cut him off, "Yes." I nodded before I opened the door and went in together.

In a matter of time, we were both settled in the double bed. The sheets were freshly washed and the room looked cleaner than in the summer, for which Sirius was responsible who has, according to Remus, been acting like a busy bee to kill the time.

"You know, people always saying we look like Dad, like Sirius said downstairs..." Harry said, rubbing his left eye.

"Mh," I hummed, adjusting my head onto my pillow and rubbing my feet together, "You more than me though...with the glasses and hair."

"Yeah, well, do you think people will stop saying it once I've turned twenty-one?" He asked, "Or, I don't know..."

"Or what?" I asked, looking thoughtfully at him.

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