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One hand supported my head as I stared down at my textbook with a downhearted expression on my face—my usual attitude during the Defence Against the Dark Arts lessons lately.

Just like Harry struggled to come to terms with Sirius Black being his godfather, I found myself grappling with my own emotions concerning Professor Lupin

Harry and I had discussed my feelings about the situation numerous times, yet I still felt unsure about how to handle it.

So, I opted for the passive approach, pretending not to know anything and accepting the circumstances as they were, but that was proving to be an emotional struggle.

"That will be all for today. Next lesson we'll continue on this subject." Professor Lupin announced.

After his words, chatter arose.

As I gathered my textbook, quill and ink, I saw Professor Lupin walking towards the back of the class, where I was seated.

When he finally stopped at our desk, Lyra, fell silent.

"See me for a moment, Amelia." He said in a friendly tone, but there was a hint of seriousness in his expression.

I nodded, trying to suppress the nervousness that threatened to spill over.

With a knowing glance, Lyra rose from her seat. "I'll wait for you outside."

I watched Lyra leave the classroom along with the other students before I walked to the front of the class and stopped next to a wooden desk from the first row.

As I stood before Professor Lupin, he patiently waited for me to meet his eyes.

I knew that avoiding eye contact had become a coping mechanism for me, a way to shield myself from the intensity of our unresolved issues.

But this time was different. As I gathered my courage and looked into his eyes, it marked the first time since the last Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson before Christmas that I managed to maintain eye contact with him for longer than a fleeting moment.

There was warmth and understanding in his eyes, but also a hint of concern and curiosity.

"I can't help but notice the change in your attitude ever since Christmas... You used to sit here at the front of the class and participate in my class, but now, you no longer stick around after class, asking about your parents... I've been asking your brother for him to ask you along to the Anti-Dementor lessons, and every week I'm given a rather weak excuse for your absence."

The weight of Professor Lupin's words felt like a blow to my heart, even though I was fully aware of the truth behind them.

Tears pricked my eyes.

The weight of my experiences, growing up with adults who didn't love me, seemed to crush me at that moment.

''... Initially, he declined to become Amelia's godfather due to specific circumstances...''

The wounds of feeling neglected and unseen by those who should have cared left a lasting impact on my heart. The unfairness of witnessing love being showered upon others, like Dudley, while I felt overlooked, added to the pain.

A deep breath made my tears go away.

"What about it, Professor?" I asked quietly.

"I'm not a fool, Amelia. Something is bothering you." He said, cocking his head as his eyes dropped to my necklace.

"I'm fine." I lied, my eyes darting around the classroom.

He sighed. "Would you say the same if I were not your teacher?"

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