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After spending a gruelling three hours meticulously cleaning every cauldron and scrubbing away the gunk, which had managed to splatter even up to the ceiling, the classroom was finally restored to its original neatness.

However, the state of affairs for Malfoy and me was quite the opposite—we looked dishevelled.

My black wand was employed to keep my hair from falling into my face, my sleeves were rolled up, and a faint pink hue adorned my cheeks due to the exertion and warmth.

As for Malfoy, his sleeves were also casually rolled up, his hair was tousled in a way that oddly suited him, and his shirt hung untucked with his tie's knot loosely undone.

For a posh brat, the blonde did quite the job.

Leaving the classroom, my stomach growled loudly as Malfoy closed the door behind us.

"Do you know what time it is?" I asked.

"Do I look like a clock to you?" He sneered. "Dinner is over anyways."

"Now you know what I had to go through that one time you got me in detention." I sighed back at the memory.

He snorted with laughter. "Yeah, that was funny."

I swatted his arm playfully. "Do you know what was funnier? Me disarming you." I said proudly with a smirk on my lips.

"Watch that mouth, Potter, or I'm gonna sneak into the kitchens on my own and leave you here hungry."

"You what—" I scrunched my eyebrows, giving his words a second go in my head to make sure I got them right.

"D'you wanna sneak into the kitchens?" He suggested, raising his eyebrows and his eyes flickering with mischief.

"Do you know how to get in them?" I heard myself asking.

I shouldn't be entertaining the idea of sneaking with Malfoy into the kitchens, but truth be told, I couldn't be bothered about it right now.

Plus, this is about food, which I reckon is a proper good reason and a solid excuse.

"Of course, I do." He said as if it was that obvious.

I was somewhat sceptical. "How?"

"Crabbe and Goyle told me."

"Lead the way," I said, gesturing my hand to the right, thinking I had it figured (Malfoy ended up taking a left instead).

A short while later, we found ourselves inside the Hogwarts Kitchens, a location we had managed to infiltrate without being detected by any of the staff, ghosts, Prefects, Head Girls, Head Boys, or even the ever-watchful Mr Filch and his feline companion, Mrs Norris.

The walls were lined with shelves bearing an assortment of plates, cups, glasses, silverware, bowls, cake stands, and more. Several sizeable stoves and sinks were scattered about the area. Yet, what captivated my attention the most was a substantial brick fireplace, while a couple of lengthy tables occupied the remaining space.

From a large pot simmering on the stove, both of us had taken portions of soup, still warm, and accompanied it with some bread we had discovered within a basket. As a sweet conclusion to our impromptu feast, we procured a jar of chocolate chip cookies.

Malfoy had positioned himself leaning against the support of one of the tables, one leg bent slightly and his forearm resting upon it. Adjacent to his legs, on his right side, I was seated on my knees.

For reasons I couldn't quite fathom, I found myself suggesting a staring contest, an idea that Malfoy surprisingly acquiesced to.

It might have been my fatigue or my desire for amusement, especially given that I hadn't been able to engage in such lighthearted activities with Lyra for the past week.

Potter's Twin Sister || Draco MalfoyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora