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"Should I walk you back to the Slytherin Dungeons?" Neville asked kindly.

It was about half an hour before the official end of the feast, but I was already feeling quite tired, and my feet were starting to protest the heels.

Neville had been wonderful company throughout the evening. He had given me a genuinely good time, and he even seemed to have mastered the dance steps of the opening dance better than I had.

"That's very sweet, but..." I glanced over at Harry, who appeared quite miserable. "I think I'll go see my brother. He looks like he could use some company."

"Oh, that's perfectly f-fine." Neville replied.

"Just so you know, I had a really great time." I told him sincerely, giving him a quick and genuine hug.

"Great to hear." He smiled before parting ways.

Taking a deep breath, I let out the sigh that had been building up inside me. It wasn't about Neville, he was absolutely lovely. It's just...complicated.

In an effort to distract myself, I made my way over to Harry, having grabbed a bowl of pistachio-flavoured ice cream along the way.

Harry and Ron were slumped over at one of the round tables, looking like a pair of deflated balloons.

I could empathise, neither of them was here with the person they really wanted to be with but the least they could've done is give their dates a pleasant evening.

Then again, they were both 14-year-old boys, so I probably shouldn't have expected too much.

"Do you want some?" I asked, gesturing to my ice cream, which was currently the sole source of comfort helping me ward off any lingering sadness. "I can get another spoon."

"I'm good, thanks." Ron replied with a sigh.

"You want some, Scarhead?" I asked again, teasingly.

Harry glanced over to see what flavour it was, while I took a seat next to him.

"You know I hate pistachio flavour." He said, scrunching up his nose in disgust as I put another spoon of it in my mouth.

"I know. That's why I asked." I deadpanned, earning a tongue click and eye roll from Harry.

Suddenly, Hermione's laughter echoed from a little distance away, grabbing our attention.

She seemed to be having a great time with Viktor, and I smiled slightly at the sight of him treating her so well.

As Hermione made her way over to us after Viktor left her, she dropped into a seat next to me. "Hot, isn't it?" She grinned, her cheeks flushed.

"Is he gone already?" I asked, smirking.

"No, he's just getting some drinks. Do you three want to join us?" She suggested.

It didn't sound like a terrible idea, but my feet were aching, and I could tell Harry was having similar thoughts.

Before either of us could respond, Ron interjected."No, we don't want to join you and Viktor."

"What's got your wand in a knot?" Hermione retorted, creating an awkward situation as Harry and I sat between them.

"He's a Durmstrang." Ron scoffed, "You're fraternising with the enemy."

"The enemy?" Hermione echoed, disbelief evident in her voice.

Hermione was absolutely right. Who in their right mind would consider Viktor an enemy? Ron literally wanted his autograpgh.

"Who wanted his autograph?" She scoffed, eyeing Ron critically.

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