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Walking the half hour from Grimmauld Place to King's Cross Station was hard on my left knee so I was relieved to sit down.

The trip usually takes about twenty minutes, but I held everyone up with my slow pace and I refused to ride the Knight Bus to the station.

I supported my leg awkwardly with my hands until I felt Malfoy's eyes on it, making me halt my motions and look at his face.

A split second later, his eyes shifted from my knee and he met my gaze but hurriedly I averted it.

Maybe it was my imagination but suddenly the muscles in his face stiffened. From the second I was here, he gave a disapproving vibe at my presence but now appeared downright angry.

While staring out the window at the view outside as the Hogwarts Express pulled away from the station, I fiddled with the end of one of my black waves.

I could have chosen to tune out and ignore the presence of my fellow Slytherins, especially Malfoy for the duration of the train voyage.

But I sought Malfoy for a reason—there are still two years left at Hogwarts and last year, we signed up for all the same classes to take for those two years.

Potions, Charms, Transfiguration (I got an Outstanding, it's unbelievable), Defence Against the Dark Arts, Herbology, Astronomy, History of Magic and Alchemy aka Muggle chemistry of which I believe we're the only sixth years to follow those lessons.

I'll be whatever Malfoy wants me to be to him, his enemy, lover, best friend, acquaintance, classmate, it doesn't matter but I want to be on somewhat neutral terms with him.

We've got a shared story and it's not because I left him, the story is over.

"Brave, I must say."

I was brought to my environment on the train by Nott's voice.

"I thought we lost you." He said, looking at me.

I wasn't sure whether it was his confidence but it seemed he couldn't care less about what happened.

He maintained his charm, speaking smoothly with an Irish accent and hadn't lost his dignity if you ask me.

I don't know what to make of him and I believe that goes the other way around too. Things were in a strange place by the end of last year.

Nott was furious with me for what I did to Malfoy in their dorm but the morning after all the events, he had talked with Malfoy and Zabini and apologised.

As Malfoy, Nott was aware that his father is a Death Eater. In, fact, it's because their dads are both Death Eaters that Nott and Malfoy have been friends with each other from a young age.

I didn't react to Nott his remark but Malfoy did.

"Brave people can sit with the Gryffindors." He sneered lowly.

I missed his voice.

"Now that's an idea, Malfoy." Crabbe said fakely enthusiastically. "Go and sit with the Gryffindors, Potter. Would make us all happier."

"Speak for yourself, you slimy git." Lyra said, eyeing him up and down.

Crabbe ignored Lyra and continued to glare at me. "Also, it would make you safer than you're here with us."

"Safer than you're here with us." Nott quoted. "What the feck are you on, mate?" He inquired in my stead sullenly.

"I wouldn't go anywhere by yourself, Potter. You've done more harm to my father than only land him in Azkaban. He got glass in his eyes and is half-blind. You just wait till I get a moment with you alone." He snarled.

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