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We were waiting outside Professor Binns's (a ghost who teaches History of Magic) classroom in a messy queue to get inside when I told Harry, Hermione and Ron about Lyra's genius idea.

"That's brilliant, Amelia." Harry said in a low voice, sounding even more committed to the idea of me joining the Inquisitorial Squad, "Like this, the chances of ever getting caught are basically non-existent...we'll know everything she does to find us."

"I know right." I said mischievously, raising my eyebrows before I threw a quick glance at Lyra, who stood a little further, next to Zabini, to tell her that Harry was rolling with the plan.

The brunette takes full credit for the idea, however, I didn't tell Harry that because it makes things simply just easier – I don't want him questioning why Lyra came up with it in the first place which was helping me out of the shit.

After she sent me an approving nod, I diverted my eyes back to Harry.

"Yeah, and it'll confuse her." Ron chuckled, "I bet she was thinking it's one of you two doing those suspected illicit activities." He said, looking back and forth between me and my brother.

"Ronald!" Hermione said breathlessly as she slapped his arm, her tone accusingly.

"What?" He asked cluelessly with a pinch between his eyebrows, "Did I say that too loud?" He wondered.

"No, that's not it." Hermione said, "Of course, Umbridge suspects them after everything that has happened by now but that was a rather backhanded comment." Hermione said matter-of-factly, quickly looking him up and down.

It seems like the Golden Trio hadn't lost their touch after all the things they already went through over the years.

"Don't you need any company though?" Harry asked, "We can't expect you to do that alone...I'm sure Fred or George would want to help you, or any of us?"

"Er-" I cleared my throat, awkwardly, "Malfoy's joining too."

"Oh," Harry said dryly, glancing at his two best friends who didn't say a word.

"Only to take the extra credit though." I added at once, trying to avoid an argument, "He said he's not interested in...well, catching those students."

"Isn't he like, besides Hermione, one of the students with the best grades in every class?" Harry asked rhetorically, "I can't imagine why he'd need the extra credit for..."

"Strict pure-blood parents." I shrugged, "He might be one of the best students but not the best due to Miss beauty with brains here." I gestured to Hermione causing the brunette to smile shyly at my words.

Did I just make that up about his parents but it worked and even makes sense? Yes.

"Right then." Harry said, his tone uninterested, slightly bitter even which I thought was best to ignore and take lightly.

After classes, it was time to go from theory to practice and sign up for the Inquisitorial Squad.

As Malfoy and I were approaching Umbridge her office, two Ravenclaw students left her office, looking down at their new badges on their robes.

Once we came to the door, Malfoy let go of my hand and entered her office first, the door still open.

Following him inside, I saw out of the corner of my eye, a student –a Hufflepuff boy– sitting with his face facing the wall and writing down lines with one of those sadistic black quills of Umbridge.

My breath hitched and the pain in my hand I felt as if that week-long detention happened yesterday shot through it at the sight.

All the things Malfoy and I discussed this morning on why to join the Inquisitorial Squad were lost to me for a moment.

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