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As I slowly regained consciousness, my senses began to awaken one by one.

My eyelids fluttered open, and I found myself in an unfamiliar room.

The soft morning light streamed through the window, casting a warm glow on me and my surroundings.

Warm? In February?

I tried to sit up, but a wave of soreness washed over me, reminding me of the events that led to my current state.

Soon confusion enveloped my mind as I looked around the room.

The sight before me only deepened my bewilderment. It was adorned with an abundance of sweets, flowers of all colours, and countless letters piled neatly on a nearby table.

My heart raced as I tried to piece together what had happened. How did I end up here? And why were there so incredibly many letters?

A sudden panic seized me, and the room seemed to spin.

My mind raced, desperately searching for answers. But amidst the chaos, one thought pierced through the fog of confusion—Draco.

Given the uncertainty that towered over our relationship, I couldn't afford to even let a small amount of distance come between us, especially for an extended time.

Merlin knows how many days I have been here.

I mustered the strength to reach for the pile of letters next to me, my fingers trembling as I sifted through them.

The hope of finding a letter from Draco was the lifeline I clung to at that moment.

With each letter I opened, my heart sank a little deeper.

The words written by my friends and well-wishers were kind and encouraging, but there was no sign of Draco's familiar scrawl.

Just as despair threatened to consume me, the door to the room creaked open, and Healer Morgenstern stepped inside.

Recognition flickered across my hazy mind as I remembered our encounter at Slughorn's Christmas party.

Though our interaction had been brief, her presence had left an impression on me.

"Healer Morgenstern," I managed to whisper, my voice hoarse and weak. "What...what happened to me?"

She approached me with a gentle smile, her warm eyes filled with concern. "Amelia, dear, you've been through quite an ordeal so you were brought here to St. Mungo's for treatment."

"Treatment?" I repeated.

She nodded.

"How long have I been here?"

"We're the third of May so almost three months."

As Healer Morgenstern spoke, my vision blurred, and the room seemed to tilt.

The last thing I remembered was her voice fading into the distance before darkness enveloped me once again.

My eyes fluttered open once more, the soft morning light still streaming through the window.

The room appeared unchanged and a sense of familiarity washed over me, mingled with lingering confusion.

As I lay there, I heard the sound of voices drifting through the air, drawing my attention.

As I strained my ears to listen, the voices became clearer, and I recognised the familiar tones of my godfather and Professor Slughorn.

"...those were challenging times, Remus." Professor Slughorn's voice carried a hint of nostalgia. "But I do recall our days together quite vividly."

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