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With a sigh of relief, the carriage finally came to a stop.

Lyra and I had been stuck with a group of rowdy older Ravenclaw boys who seemed determined to engage us in their pointless chatter.

A look of confusion crossed my face as I followed Lyra out of the carriage.

Instead of heading into the castle for the Sorting, students were gathered in the Entrance Courtyard, creating a chaotic crowd. Cheers erupted, and fingers pointed at something in the sky.

"Is that...a flying house?" Lyra wondered aloud, her eyes fixed on the sky.

I followed her gaze and saw a massive powder-blue carriage, drawn by a dozen winged horses, soaring through the air—its size rivalling that of a house.

I let out a dramatic gasp at the sight before us.

What in Merlin's name is Beauxbatons doing here?

Given that the entire school is well aware of my rather eventful expulsion from Beauxbatons, I sincerely hope I don't come across that pompous French half-giant who had the dubious honour of kicking me out of her prestigious institution.

Otherwise, things are about to take an awkward turn, to say the least.

"Lyra, that's Beauxbatons." I whispered, my gaze fixed on the imposing carriage from which I couldn't tear my eyes away from it.

They can't possibly be staying here for the entire year, can they?

Nah, that's highly unlikely, right?

Please, let it be unlikely.

"Beauxbatons?" Lyra questioned, her brow furrowing in confusion. "Why on earth would they be here?" She asked, her gaze fixed on the approaching carriage, mirroring my own bewilderment.

"I have no clue, and frankly, I'm not sure I even want to find out." I replied with a sigh, memories of all the detentions, reprimands, and confrontations with people who couldn't stand me at Beauxbatons flooding back.

"You must be over the moon to have them here." Lyra teased, earning a playful nudge from me in response.

"Come on, there's something else to see." Lyra said, tugging me along by the arm to get a closer look at whatever had caught her attention.

Now, all eyes had shifted from the sky to focus on the Black Lake.

Typically, the Black Lake boasted a smooth, reflective surface, but now a strange disturbance was occurring. Waves and large bubbles began to form, and in the blink of an eye, a powerful whirlpool emerged.

Out of nowhere, a long, black pole emerged from the centre of the swirling vortex. "Wait, is that an entire boat rising from the water?" I said, my voice tinged with disbelief.

The words had scarcely left my lips when, in a slow and majestic fashion, a ship emerged from the depths of the water. The sight was nothing short of awe-inspiring, far more impressive than the arrival of the other school, in my opinion.

"Oh, that's Durmstrang." Lyra said, her voice filled with recognition. "Draco mentioned that school to me before."

"Attention, everyone! Inside the castle and head to the Great Hall." Professor McGonagall's voice suddenly boomed across the courtyard. "Off you go, now!"

A short while later, we had all gathered in the Great Hall, our impatience palpable as we eagerly anticipated the end of the seemingly endless Sorting ceremony. We were all eager to hear Dumbledore's announcement regarding the arrivals from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang.

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