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The Christmas break zoomed by far too swiftly, leaving me feeling ill-prepared and lacking enthusiasm for what lay ahead.

Regrettably, Monday had arrived all too soon, signalling the onset of a lengthy two-hour class with Malfoy.

"Assemble with your desk mate for today's lesson." Snape declared, the dungeon-like classroom filling with students. "Brewing the Calming Draught demands the undivided attention of two sets of eyes, considering its intricate instructions."

I emitted a loud groan, intending to convey my sheer displeasure with today's lesson.

Enduring Malfoy as my desk mate was already insufferable, but being forced to collaborate with him felt akin to descending into the depths of hell itself.

"Another outburst like that, and you'll be spending your afternoon in detention." Snape snarled at me for the entire class.

Crabbe and Goyle chortled until Snape gave them a stare.

"There's no need to fetch your own textbooks. You shall each retrieve one from the stack on my desk. One book per pair, mind you, and ensure they are returned in good condition." Snape instructed in his characteristic stern tone.

Given that I didn't anticipate Malfoy fetching us a textbook, I took it upon myself to retrieve one from the stack. However, my amicability was short-lived when Parkinson attempted to snatch the very same book that I had already secured.

"Release it, Parkinson!" I asserted, tugging the textbook towards myself, but her grasp persisted, unwilling to let go.

"I had it first!" She protested, raising her voice in defiance.

"Potter, I already got us one." Malfoy's cold voice interjected.

Immediately, I let go of the textbook, but the brunette's continued pull caused it to strike her squarely in the face.

Now, that's a right good laugh, innit?

Joining some Gryffindors, I couldn't help but snort with laughter, though Snape, on the other hand, did not find it amusing in the slightest.

"Out of my sight, both of you," Snape commanded, his voice brimming with irritation.

"Slag," Parkinson muttered, giving me a nudge as she walked to her desk.

Properly entertained, I headed to my desk, but then I saw Malfoy and my grin vanished into thin air.

Harry and I decided not to divulge to Malfoy that we were aware of the truth about Black, but that certainly didn't deter Malfoy from persistently bringing up the subject.

While it wasn't strictly necessary to inform him that we knew, I felt an urge to reprimand him for withholding the truth from us, even though it would require a considerable effort on my part.

"You reckon I'd fall for that, do you?" Malfoy said, smirking like he owned the place.

"What are you tryin' to pull off?" I frowned, leaning on the table with my elbows.

Tilting his head down a notch, he casually traced through the textbook whilst casting a sidelong glance in my direction. "Putting on a bit of a show, acting as if you're not at all excited about spending two hours with me."

I gave him a blank stare.

"What exactly makes you think that?"

"Potter, less chatting, more brewing." Snape snapped curtly.

"I ain't bleedin' said nothing!" Harry's voice piped up all miffed-like.

"The other one." Snape drawled, sounding fed-up.

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