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My heart pounded as I stood outside Draco's dorm, my hand trembling as I raised it to knock.

The weight of uncertainty hung in the air, making my stomach churn with nervous anticipation.

I had decided to take matters into my own hands and seek out Draco, desperate to mend the rift that had formed between us.

I needed answers, even if they shattered my soul.

Thoughts swirled through my mind, echoing the words of doubt and fear that had plagued me.

Moments later, the door creaked open, revealing Nott's sombre face.

The brunette regarded me with a calculating gaze, his eyes lingering on the turmoil etched across my face.

There was a palpable tension in the air as we locked gazes, both aware of the significance of this encounter.

For a moment, Nott averted his gaze, his eyes shifting to something hidden behind the door. Then, as if reaching a decision, he turned back to face me.

Without saying a word, he stepped aside, silently granting me access to Draco's presence.

As Nott stepped aside, I hesitated for a brief moment before summoning the courage to step into their dorm.

The atmosphere inside was heavy, filled with an air of desolation that seemed to permeate the very walls.

My heart sank as I took in Draco's appearance.

The boy I once knew, had transformed into a mere shadow of himself.

His physique had noticeably deteriorated, his once chiselled features now marred by a gaunt and haggard look.

His skin, once pale but healthy, now appeared ashen and greyish, as if drained of life itself.

But what struck me the most were his eyes. Once filled with a sparkling intensity, they now appeared dull and haunted. The vibrant grey had lost its lustre, replaced by a hollowness that seemed to reflect the depths of his pain and inner struggle.

Dark circles underscored them, evidence of countless sleepless nights.

It was as if the weight of the world had settled upon his shoulders, etching its mark upon his very being.

I swallowed hard, my throat tightening with empathy and sadness.

As I stood there, Nott left Draco and me alone, a heavy silence enveloping us.

I took a hesitant step forward, my gaze never leaving his worn and troubled face.

It was clear that he had endured unimaginable pain, his spirit weathered by a storm that had consumed him.

Seeing him in such a state tugged at my heart, reigniting the flicker of love and concern that had never truly been extinguished.

"Draco..." I spoke softly, my voice barely above a whisper.

His weary eyes met mine, and for a moment, I caught a glimpse of the vulnerability that lay hidden beneath the mask he had worn for far too long.

Emotions flickered across his face, a mixture of surprise, guarded hope, and a touch of fear.

I hesitated to speak, my mouth opened but then closed, at a loss for words.

I had braced myself for a challenging conversation, but not one this daunting and emotionally overwhelming.

Tears welled up in my eyes as the weight of the moment overwhelmed me.

I came here with a hopeful gleam of finding solace in his presence but I was disillusioned to discover that his frigid demeanour only made things worse.

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