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"Come on, there are a few empty seats over there." I said, nodding my head towards an area where a few vacant seats were visible. 

I gently pulled Lyra along by her wrist, guiding her in that direction.

Today, the names of the three Triwizard champions were going to be chosen from the Goblet of Fire, the anticipation in the air palpable.

However, Lyra abruptly pulled herself back, causing me to release my grip on her wrist. 

"Zabini is right there." She whispered urgently, her voice a mixture of panic and distress amidst the hushed chatter of the surrounding students.

"To be honest, Lyra, I really don't care." I smirked, unbothered by Zabini's presence, before I took her hand and led her toward the seats.

We manoeuvred through the crowd of students and secured the seats before anyone else could claim them. 

Of course, I wasn't going to sit between Lyra and Zabini, so I made her go first and sit next to him.

Zabini immediately noticed Lyra's presence and sent her a satisfied look, his gaze assessing her from head to toe.

Unnoticed by both of them, Nott, who was sitting beside Zabini, winked at me and made a hand gesture that indicated "perfect" showing his approval of my decision to let Lyra sit beside Zabini.

"Please take your seats." Dumbledore's voice resonated in the Great Hall, capturing everyone's attention.

Turning to me, Lyra whispered. "Do I look okay?"

"You look more than fine," I assured her, fixing the collar of her shirt.

Her smile was genuine, and a flicker of happiness danced in her eyes. "Don't make me blush now, Amelia."

"That's his job." I teased.

Her smile wavered for a moment at my words, and she retorted. "Shut it." 

She then adjusted herself in her seat, crossing her legs and ensuring that her long dark brown hair was spread out beautifully.

"The moment we've all been waiting for: the selection of the champions!" Dumbledore announced, his voice carrying across the Great Hall as he dimmed the torch lights and allowed the blue flames from the Goblet of Fire to take centre stage.

I scanned the bluish atmosphere of the Great Hall, my gaze moving from the Golden Trio to the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang students.

Among the Durmstrang students, I noticed Malfoy sitting with them, and Yordan's gaze was fixed on me. 

He had a smirk on his face, prompting me to offer a small smile in return before I looked away to focus on Dumbledore and the goblet.

Suddenly, the flames inside the Goblet of Fire turned a deep red, and a charred piece of parchment fluttered out from it. 

Dumbledore caught the parchment and declared in a clear voice. "The Durmstrang champion is Viktor Krum."

The Great Hall erupted with applause and cheers, predominantly from the Durmstrang students. Ron and Igor Karkaroff's voices were the most distinct among the crowd.

The excitement in the room subsided as Krum disappeared through a door behind the staff table at the front of the Great Hall.

During the selection of the second champion, I overheard Lyra and Zabini engaged in a low conversation.

My attention was drawn back to Dumbledore when he announced Fleur Delacour as the champion from Beauxbatons.

Having spent two years at Beauxbatons, I had often heard positive things about Fleur. She once even complimented my hairstyle.

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