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"So, let me get this straight..." Malfoy drawled, his silver gaze fixed on me sceptically. "Sirius Black is innocent and Peter Pettigrew is alive?"

"Mh," I hummed, tossing Asherah's purple hair into the bubbling cauldron before me.

Finally, I decided to divulge the truth to Malfoy.

It was high time he knew about Sirius, Remus being my godfather and the story behind the small scar on my nose.

The truth had to come out, not just for Sirius's sake, but to start setting things right in the Wizarding World.

I mean, Malfoy has great connections, he could easily spread the word.

A silence followed, Malfoy's scepticism palpable.

I looked up at him, finding him staring at me with his head cocked as he sat against the wall, arms crossed.

"You don't believe me, do you?" I wondered out loud.

"The Black family isn't exactly known for its sterling reputation, Potter. Sirius being a mass murderer, wouldn't be that much of a stretch." He reasoned.

"Look, Peter Pettigrew is very much alive and he admitted it, meaning, Sirius didn't betray my parents." I countered.

"He would never..." I added absentmindedly.

Malfoy's expression remained unchanged. "Still strikes me as rather odd."

I sighed. "Everything involving my parents and Voldemort is apparently bound to be odd."

"We don't say his name, Potter." Malfoy said, his tone taking a serious note. "At times, I wonder if you understand how dark times were."

"And whose fault is that? Whenever Harry or I try to ask anyone about what really happened, they clam up. We've been left to piece everything together on our own." I said annoyedly.

I could see the hint of realisation in Malfoy's eyes, a flicker of understanding. It was a small victory, but a victory nonetheless.

I settled down beside him against the wall, letting my knees rest partially on his thighs as I relaxed.

"Give it a few more minutes, and the potion should be ready." I said, my tone softer now.

Harry really is fortunate to have me by his side. I had a chat with Hermione this morning, and it seems they're still at a dead end in their search.

They must be batting around ideas, not unlike the ones I've come up with, but that's where the divergence between the Golden Trio and me becomes clear.

You see, I have an advantage they lack—I'm friends with Luna Lovegood.

Brewing the Characterisation Potion took me a solid two weeks, but luckily, I managed to finish it just in the nick of time.

Tomorrow morning marks the second task of the Tournament, and this potion could prove crucial.

Similar to last year, when I was brewing Wolfsbane Potions for Remus in the second-floor girls' lavatory, there were times when I had to add an ingredient and check on my brew at the most inconvenient moments but in the end, I managed.

If it happened during a random class, I had no one to keep me company but if it was during the weekends or free periods, Malfoy would keep me company, as he is doing now.

I could not rely on Lyra's company since she was often taken away by Zabini. Nonetheless, I didn't mind as we still spent time with each other, albeit a little less.

"A few minutes?" Malfoy's voice had a teasing edge as his fingers playfully slipped beneath the hem of my knee sock.

I could always count on his hands to be freezing.

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