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The Beauxbatons Palace, with its stunning château and enchanting gardens, paled in comparison to the magnificent Hogwarts castle, which I had yet to fully explore during daylight.

The ambience at Hogwarts was much warmer and inviting, illuminated by flickering torches that lined the corridors. Mischievous ghosts roamed freely, and the animated paintings on the walls greeted everyone with cheerful conversations.

Before I could fully take in the Entrance Hall, Professor McGonagall approached me.

"I'm delighted to see you, Miss Potter." She welcomed me with a stern but accepting expression.

Her initial reception made me feel welcomed, and I realised that I didn't need to employ my usual tactics of misleading people of being an innocent sweet girl during our first encounter, especially not with a teacher.

After all, the staff at Hogwarts already knows about my expulsion from Beauxbatons.

"So am I, Professor," I said politely.

"I suppose you have a general idea of how the Sorting ceremony works, don't you?" She inquired.

"Yes, quite familiar, ma'am," I replied, nodding.

"Very well, then. Unfortunately for you, you're the only student, aside from the first-years, who needs to be sorted. As a result, I've arranged for you to be sorted first and put your name at the top of the list."

I didn't particularly like or dislike this arrangement.

"You don't need to worry. I believe you'll appreciate it afterwards." She assured me, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Your presence here will undoubtedly have an impact, just like it was with your brother. By the way, is everything alright with your brother? Professor Lupin informed me about the incident that occurred on the way here."

"Oh yes, he's completely fine now," I reassured her.

"Very well, then." She sighed in relief. "I suppose I'll see you again in the Great Hall. Best of luck, Miss Potter."

The wait with the group of first-year students in front of the towering doors of the Great Hall was bearable, thankfully not dragging on for too long. After just a minute or three, Professor McGonagall called us inside.

Participating in these types of events was never really my thing, but I had faced worse challenges in my life and managed to overcome them.

As we entered the Great Hall, a vast expanse of black robes greeted us. The students' faces shimmered in the glow of countless candles that hovered above the four long tables.

I relied on my talent for blocking out attention and maintained a neutral expression, refusing to let the gazes of the many (hundreds, really) eyes affect me.

"May I have your attention, please... Good evening, everyone! As is the tradition, we will begin with the Sorting Ceremony before commencing the Opening Feast." Professor McGonagall's voice resonated throughout the Great Hall.

A sense of unease settled in my stomach, slowly forming a pit. The Sorting Ceremony held a special significance, as it had the power to define a person and set them on one of four distinct paths.

It was astonishing to think that one's future hinged on the judgment of a hat—of all things.

During the train ride to Hogwarts, the Golden Trio and I had discussed the possibilities of which House I might belong to.

Hufflepuff seemed unlikely, considering my lack of dedication and patience.

Ravenclaw was also doubtful, as I couldn't claim to possess the same level of intelligence as many Ravenclaw students, in my opinion.

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