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Chapter notes: I wanted to clarify the Tom Riddle part/nightmare from the previous chapter, something concerning this fanfic and also something about Draco.

First of all, Draco is the only love interest in this story. Amelia never had feelings for George and nothing will ever happen/happened between them. The same goes for Tom Riddle, which brings me to the previous chapter. It was a nightmare. Nightmares are weird, unexplainable, uneasy, sick...not OK. We do weird shit that we would normally not do if we were conscious. We think differently. Act differently. Tom Riddle calling Amelia beautiful in the nightmare isn't meant to be considered romantically.

Then, Draco, we all know he's a Death Eater and sometimes there are comments (here or on ao3) like, why is he acting like that? Why is he so cold towards her? I understand completely where these comments come from and certainly, after the conversation they had on the train where Draco was possessive over Amelia and she said she would fight for them...

On the other hand, it's 'understandable' why he acts like that. Because he became (unwillingly) a Death Eater. I think, receiving the Dark Mark is more than just Voldemort's symbol branded on someone's arm. It affects Draco in an uncontrollably lousy way. His Dark Mark doesn't allow him to love Amelia because she fights against Voldemort and it hurts and takes a lot to fight it. To fight his Dark Mark.

But throughout the story, all of this will become clear and I'll do my best to explain it to you all. Now for this chapter, there'll be a warning, and I usually don't do this but I think it's best if I do.

Chapter warning: violence.

His presence was calming. It was as if he carried an aura of serenity with him that enfolded me like a warm and comforting blanket on a cold winter's night.

It was an invaluable luxury to lie cosily in his arms with my back facing his front—it was exclusive to be in his solace embrace.

The warmth of his body that was pressed against mine. The steady rise and fall of his chest as he breathes, the sound so soothing. My lungs filled with air that smelled like his signature scent.

His face was nuzzled in my neck, his mouth close to my ear—he let out soft grunts whenever he shifted into another comfortable position.

My lips curled into a grin when I felt him pulling me just that little closer and keeping me snugly in place by leaving his arm wrapped around my waist, his fist gathering the fabric of my jumper.

The feeling of safety and security that came with being held by him was truly unparalleled. Being wrapped in his arms made me feel as though nothing could harm me.

I always believed that a home was simply a physical structure made up of bricks, wood and concrete.

His arms, however, told me otherwise.

An intriguing idea flooded my mind and after contemplating it for five minutes, I went into action.

Away from him, I rolled over to my stomach and continued to shift until I faced him.

Gently, I pushed him down onto his back, allowing me to move onto him and lay my head on his chest.

I listened to the steady rhythm of his heart underneath my ear as his fingers lazily found their way into my hair and his other hand slipped under the fabric of my t-shirt, onto my warm back.

If having a terrifying nightmare meant Draco was there to comfort me afterwards, I'd want to have a dark dream every night.

As time went by, the complete stillness from the night was taken away from the dormitory as the other four boys started tossing in their beds, yawning, and some of them still deep in their sleep and snoring.

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