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I watched, frozen in shock, as the green light from Snape's wand struck Dumbledore, sending him hurtling backwards over the edge of the Astronomy Tower.

My mind was blank, empty, as if all my thoughts and emotions had been sucked out of me by the force of the Unforgivable Curse.

I couldn't comprehend what had just happened.

The moment felt suspended in time, like a photograph etched into my mind.

Dumbledore's death was no longer Draco's burden or a thought that filled me with a sense of vindication—it was a fact.

All around me, chaos erupted as the Death Eaters celebrated their victory. But I could only hear the sound of my own heartbeat, pounding in my ears.

The world had turned upside down and I felt as if I was standing on the edge of a precipice, living in an unknown abyss.

Snape's betrayal had taken a dark turn and I wondered, like Draco's father once mocked me for, if I had been too naive—too trusting in Snape.

But even as I questioned my own judgment, I knew that Dumbledore, regardless of my opinion of the old man, had put his faith in Snape for a reason and that there was more to this situation than met the eye.

My mind was in a haze and I could barely register the chaos unfolding around me.

The world seemed distant, like a dream I couldn't wake up from.

Dumbledore's lifeless body falling from the tower, Snape's cruel betrayal...

My body moved on autopilot, following Harry's lead as he pulled me to the side, out of sight from the Death Eaters descending the spiralling staircase.

Blinking slowly, I turned my gaze towards Harry.

I heard him speaking urgently in a hushed tone but his words seemed distant and muffled like they were coming from a far-off place.

Then, suddenly—

"Get out of here, Draco!" Snape shouted.

"Draco." I gasped softly, my grip on my wand tightening as I snapped back to the present.

As I stood there, numb and shaken, Harry's hand found my wrist.

"Come on." He said, his voice trembling slightly.

Finally, Harry's words reached my ears and I felt a surge of determination breaking through the fog of shock and disbelief.

At once, Harry and I went after the Death Eaters, moving swiftly and silently through the castle corridors as we maintained a safe distance with our wands at the ready, prepared for any unexpected encounters.

Slowly but surely, I felt the heavy burden of my own betrayal weighing heavily as I had misled the Aurors, who were probably searching in the wrong direction while the true drama occurred somewhere else.

I carried out all the actions for Draco and for myself, but that didn't justify any of it.

Though, personally, for Draco, I'd do anything and I'd justify it all myself with literally just Draco, my precious boy, for an excuse.

Snape led the Death Eaters with a cold determination, his black cloak billowing behind him as he navigated the quickest passage to the front only the Great Hall, which only the teachers were familiar with.

As we trailed behind them, Bellatrix let out a maniacal laugh and unleashed a powerful spell that sent a wave of destruction through the Great Hall, causing items to shatter and break in its wake.

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