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Walking into the Great Hall and spotting Professor Moody at the staff table brought back memories of our first Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson with him earlier today.

I'd thought I'd only miss Remus, but now I realised I missed Professor Lupin too.

Professor Moody might be a great Auror, I didn't doubt that, but his teaching abilities were a whole different kettle of fish.

I mean, teachers weren't meant to be this nerve-wracking, were they?

His nickname suddenly made a lot more sense. He was properly mad. M-A-D. Mad.

Who in their right mind thinks it's a good idea to demonstrate the three Unforgivable Curses in a classroom, even if it's just on a bug?

And that inappropriate comment about Harry surviving the Killing Curse...just why?

Neville who often left Snape's classroom looking unhappy has never looked more miserable and downtrodden than when he left Moody's classroom.

Ever since that lesson, I've been debating whether to have a word with Neville about it, but I haven't seen him since then.

I took my eyes off Moody, unsure if he was casting a glance my way.

The mechanical eye, with its erratic movements, made it hard to tell.

With a dramatic sigh, I plopped down into a seat and pulled out a book on Transfiguration.

Professor McGonagall had warned me that if I didn't practice Transfiguration every day, I'd barely scrape a passing grade (a Dreadful or even a Troll) and wouldn't stand a chance of becoming a Healer.

Next year, we'll be facing our O.W.L.s, and I can't afford to mess those up.

We had a free period, and Lyra was, as usual, having a kip in our dorm. So, I didn't have anything else to do.

I tried to focus on the book, getting stuck into the formulas behind Transformations, Vanishments, and Conjurations but after a minute, I found myself searching for something else to do—anything that seemed more interesting than Transfiguration formulas.

My gaze settled on Malfoy, who was in a chinwag with a couple of Durmstrang students.

I let my eyes linger until our gazes met.

Unfortunately, the eye contact didn't go unnoticed by the other wizards around him. They all turned to look in my direction.


Feeling self-conscious, I turned my attention back to my notes, hoping they would all crack on with their own conversations soon.

Just as I was about to start jotting something down, my parchment was suddenly nabbed from under my quill.

I looked up to find Fred and George sitting on either side of me, grinning like Cheshire cats.

"Lovely witch—" George started, sliding a recipe under my nose.

"—we need your help." Fred added.

They placed a recipe for an Ageing Potion in front of me. It's a rather challenging potion to brew due to the vague and uncertain quantities of the ingredients required.

"With?" I inquired.

"The quantities." They chimed in together. "We've checked different books in the library—" Fred began.

"—but they all give different amounts." George finished.

"What are you two up to?" I asked, dipping my quill in the ink to jot down the ingredient quantities.

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