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Brewing the Wolfsbane Potion proved to be an exasperating ordeal, standing as perhaps the most difficult potion I have ever endeavoured to brew.

Despite my previous forays into intricate brews such as Veritaserum, this particular potion pushed my skills and patience to their very limits.

I practically devoted my entire stash of free time to the potion. Every break or spare minute, you'd catch me holed up in the second-floor girls' lavatory, working away.

It was a burden that I couldn't consistently work on the potion exactly when it was needed.

I ended up having to start from scratch twice already because I couldn't follow the new instructions in time, like chucking in an ingredient at the right moment.

So I meticulously made a timetable detailing the specific intervals and hours required for various ingredients.

It's a bit of a quirk, but I'm determined to make it work. Whenever I manage to snag a spare hour, it's time to get busy on the brew. But here's the thing, during Wednesday's Charms Class, I've got to make a quick dash up to the second-floor girls' lavatory.

And as for the night stretching from Thursday right into Friday, when the clock strikes one, it's time to add the Moonseed.

It was utterly impractical, truly, no practicality whatsoever. But that's not something I can consider at the moment. I must succeed, and I am determined to brew the Wolfsbane Potion for Lupin, for my godfather.

Regrettably, just because I was leading the life of a clandestine Potioneer didn't mean I could escape homework and lessons to attend.

Today, Herbology couldn't come to an end soon enough. The lesson was quite tedious, and I was eager to head straight to my brewing as soon as the class concluded.

"Before you depart the greenhouse, could I have everyone's attention for a moment, please? Thank you." Professor Sprout declared, waiting until a semblance of quiet settled in.

"Collaborating with Professor Snape's subject, a significant assignment is on the horizon. This task will serve as valuable preparation for both the Herbology and Potions exams. Working in pairs with your desk mates from the Potions classes, your mission is to locate the herbs mentioned in the Potion Antidote to Uncommon Poisons within the castle grounds. However, it's essential to note that the Forbidden Forest remains off-limits to all students. You'll discover everything you need in the designated safe areas. You have a week to complete this task. My colleague will elaborate on the essay details once this assignment is concluded." Professor Sprout explained, her voice carrying authority.

Scouring the grounds for herbs, side by side with Malfoy... Fun.

Talking about that toad, those promises I made about ignoring him and such, yeah, those. Well, I chucked them out the window the very next morning during breakfast when I told him to drop dead. But after that, I gave it another go. Three and a half days later, I messed up again because it's rather boring not giving him a rise.

Of course, that doesn't imply that I enjoy our constant bickering. At times, I find myself pondering if he's capable of harbouring affection as intensely as he can loathe someone.

It's not that Malfoy hurts me, but his demeanour isn't pleasant either. Moreover, the constant friction is draining, and I'm silently running low on creative insults for him.

Nah, just kidding, I still have loads.

When most of the students exited the greenhouse, they promptly sought their Potions partners and set up a meeting time. However, neither Malfoy nor I engaged in such action.

Potter's Twin Sister || Draco MalfoyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora