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The next day, the Great Hall had returned to its usual state, yet the echoes of the Yule Ball still resonated through the air.

The hall remained adorned with festive decorations, including the grand Christmas tree and wreaths that exuded a sense of warmth and holiday cheer despite the heavy snowfall outside.

As students chatted and enjoyed their meals, the memories of the Yule Ball were still very much alive, and Lyra and I were no exception.

We sat together, sipping on hot chocolate milk and nibbling on the remnants of pastries from the previous night's feast.

"So, are you two officially a couple now?" I asked with a mischievous grin, my curiosity piqued by the recent development between Lyra and Zabini.

Lyra's smile widened, her eyes sparkling with happiness.

"Yes." She beamed, her voice carrying a note of excitement. "He asked me if he could be my boyfriend, and I said yes."

"Oh my God!" I exclaimed, looking at her with genuine joy. "Finallyyyy." I cheered, basking in the warmth of her happiness.

However, our cheerful moment was interrupted by a sudden commotion as several owls swooped into the Great Hall.

Both Lyra and I received mail, a letter for me from Remus and Sirius, and one for Lyra, presumably from her family.

Lyra's attention was momentarily diverted from her mail when she received a rolled-up copy of today's Daily Prophet, but she seemed too absorbed in her thoughts to pay it much notice.

I was engrossed in reading Remus's Christmas wishes when my letter was snatched from my hands.

Startled, I looked up to see Harry's disapproving glare directed at me.

Except, Harry wasn't the only one with his gaze fixed on me, half the Great Hall was staring at me.

"Care to explain?" Harry snapped, his tone sharp as he shoved a copy of the Daily Prophet under my nose, gesturing towards the front-page article.

Feeling a lump form in my throat, I briefly glanced at Lyra before my gaze lowered to the newspaper.

My heart raced as I swallowed hard, my mind racing to figure out what had caught Harry's attention.



Hogwarts Champion, Harry Potter's twin sister, Amelia Potter seen with Draco Malfoy, the youngest heir of the old French pureblood family.


Under the bold headline, I saw a striking image of Malfoy and me, captured in the Clock Tower Courtyard.

We stood hand in hand, my figure draped in his robes, while he gazed at me with an intensity that was only reserved for private moments.

Rita Bloody Skeeter. She had struck again, just like she had done with Hermione before.

My heart raced as I read through the article, each word gnawing at my nerves and making me feel queasy.

The realisation that Harry now knew about Malfoy and me filled me with a mixture of anxiety and dread.

Taking a shaky breath, I looked up at Harry, my emotions a whirlwind of guilt, frustration, and fear.

"Harry, I can explain." I said, my voice unsteady as I stood up, still holding the newspaper in my trembling hands.

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