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Leaning back against the tree by the lakeside, I let out a contented sigh, taking in the gentle rustling of the leaves and Neville's soft splashes as he hunted for exotic water plants. 

Beside me, Harry's voice broke the tranquillity.

"Spoke to Sirius last night." He said, his tone hushed.

I cracked one eye open, regarding Harry with curiosity. "Already? Did he owl you back so fast?"

Harry smirked as if this was the most mundane thing in the world. "Nah, had a chat through the fireplace. Like, a face-to-face talk, you know?"

I scrunched my eyebrows together, scepticism creeping in. "You're messing with me, aren't you?"

He shrugged casually. "I'm not. Check it out yourself tonight, one o'clock, fireplace in your Common Room. He wants to speak to you, too."

A mischievous grin tugged at my lips. "Alright... What did he speak to you about?"

Harry's expression turned more serious. "Basically, what you were babbling about at dinner three days ago. The Dark Mark, my scar, that dream, and the Goblet spitting out my name—Sirius thinks it's all part of a not-so-friendly plan."

I swallowed hard, the weight of his words settling in my stomach. Sirius's confirmation just deepened the gravity of the situation.

"Amazing, amazing!" Neville's voice chirped, drawing our attention to his elated face. 

He held up a newly discovered water plant, a triumphant grin splitting his features.

"Neville, you're doing it again." Harry pointed out.

Neville's grin wavered, replaced by an apologetic expression. He then waved over to someone behind the tree Harry and I were sitting against.

Harry and I both rose to our feet when we spotted Ron, Hermione, and Ginny approaching. While my brother headed towards them, I stayed rooted in place.

After Ron exchanged a few hushed words with Hermione, she stepped forward towards Harry, her face a mixture of confusion and concentration. 

"Ronald would like me to tell you that Seamus told him that Dean was told by Parvati that Hagrid is looking for you." Hermione attempted to explain, her words stumbling over each other.

I raised an eyebrow.

"Is that right?" Harry scoffed, his amusement clear. "Well—what?"

Hermione retreated back to Ron, allowing her to take a stab at clarifying the situation for Harry. "Parvati mentioned to Dean that—" Hermione started again, then threw up her hands. "Just don't make me repeat it, alright?" She implored.

"Hagrid is looking for you and, oh yes, you're supposed to bring the Cloak." Hermione eventually managed to summarise succinctly.

"Ron," I chimed in, my annoyance evident. "I must say, you're the most childish person I've ever encountered. Couldn't you have said that yourself?" I shot him a critical look, scanning him from head to toe.

He snorted dismissively. "Stay out of it, snake."

Ron was usually pleasant and amiable towards me, but every so often, he'd remember I'm from Slytherin.

"Ron!" Hermione exclaimed, clearly exasperated, before she grabbed Ginny's arm and departed, clearly frustrated.

"Get lost, will you?" Harry snapped back, prompting Ron to stride away in a huff.

Both irritated by the exchange, Harry and I returned to our seats. Harry sighed, picking up a pebble and tossing it into the lake.

"Sorry about that." Harry muttered, his tone a mix of frustration and regret.

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