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"We're here," Harry said, pointing his illuminated wand to the trapdoor above us.

"Finally," I said, sighing dramatically.

I didn't dare to look down at my coat, which was probably covered in dirt from the small underground passage that led us to Honeyduke's cellar, a sweet shop.

There was another trip to Hogsmeade today, and Harry had the brilliant idea to sneak into the village by using the Invisibility Cloak.

On our way, we also received a map called the Marauders Map from Fred and George.

According to them, the map showed seven secret passageways from Hogwarts into Hogsmeade and also what everyone on the grounds was doing every minute of every day.

Bless Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs, the inventors of the map and, of course, also Fred and George for giving the map to Harry and me.

"I'll go first," Harry said, handing me the Invisibility cloak, map, and his illuminated wand.

On tiptoes, he gently pushed the heavily looking trapdoor upwards, peering over the edge to see if it was clear before we would climb out.

A tinkle of a bell and the opening and shutting of a door sounded repeatedly and muffled from above.

I threw a glance behind me when Harry pushed the trapdoor fully open and pulled himself up.

Then, I handed back all the things he gave me, including my wand so that I could climb out as well, with a little help from him.

"We better get Vernon or Petunia to sign the permission next year." I sighed, swishing my wand to get the dirt off our clothes.

"How will you do that?" Harry asked.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know, we could forge their signature or something."

Harry had a smile on his face until we heard someone coming from upstairs.

Instinctively, he threw the Invisibility Cloak around us.

It seemed to be an employee of the shop who came to get a box of sweets.

Luckily, we remained unseen and in the same way, with the two of us under the cloak, we also went walking in Hogsmeade.

Hogsmeade resembled a scene straight out of a winter wonderland, resembling a picturesque Christmas card. The charming thatched cottages and shops were adorned with a pristine layer of snow, while delightful holly wreaths adorned the doors and enchanted candles twinkled in the trees above.

The village exuded an unparalleled warmth and cosiness, unmatched by any other place I had visited.

Its unique charm could be attributed, in part, to its status as the only wholly non-Muggle settlement in all of Britain.

While not an insurmountable feat, the experience was undeniably rewarding, yet filled with its fair share of stress as we navigated through the crowds, skilfully dodging people at every turn.

To add to the challenge, the presence of numerous teachers during the last weekend of the term heightened the pressure.

Amidst the bustling scene, we saw Professor McGonagall and Hagrid engaged in conversation with Minister Fudge, alongside the lady from the pub, who was voicing her grievances about the haunting Dementors that plagued her establishment.

"We have a killer on the loose, Rosmerta." Fudge reasoned.

"Sirius Black in Hogsmeade." She said with disbelief. "Why in Merlin's name would Black be wandering here?"

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