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I don't know what I expected to happen with Umbridge saying, Cornelius will want to take immediate action, but I was not prepared to read a week later in the Daily Prophet that she became a High Inquisitor.

High Inquisitor or in other words, someone who is completely ruining Hogwarts, really.

She has been making up these decrees to reinforce the most ridiculous rules and needlessly to mention those rules suit that pink toad her sadistic nature and beliefs.

On top of that, did that evil witch make sure we're reminded of her decrees at least three times a day since Filch needs to hang them up on the wall, around the giant doors that lead us into the Great Hall.

Have I mentioned yet that they're super ridiculous? I just can't even put into words how idiotic those decrees are.

No music is to be played during study hours - educational degree no. 24

All Weasley products will be banned immediately - educational degree no. 30

Proper dress and decorum is to be maintained at all hours - educational degree no. 45

But here I was, studying in the Common Room while there was music sounding from the radio, first-year students messing around with Weasley products catching my eye and I didn't see a single student wearing the complete uniform, and that included me.

"Oi, Potter," Nott's voice came.

I took my eyes off my Herbology textbook as I lifted up my head and turned my face to the direction I heard his voice coming from.

"Help me out with this Muggle Studies assignment, will you?" He asked as he sat down next to me at the round wooden table.


"Can you," He looked at his assignment, scanning the questions, "describe electricity in five to seven sentences plus three examples of what you use it for?"

I cocked my head to the side and raised an eyebrow, "Not been paying attention again?" Whenever I look around in class, I see Nott talking animatedly to either Malfoy or Zabini or doing stuff he isn't supposed to do in class so it didn't surprise me.

He's the kind of person who if he would work really well for school he'd get such good grades

"Listen, I fell asleep because it was bloody boring."

"Fine." I said as I gestured for him to hand the parchment.

"Go raibh maith agat, Potter." He said as he shot me a small smile.

"I'm assuming that means, thank you." I guessed, "You're welcome."

When I think of Theodore Nott, two things come to my mind. Him being from Ireland and talking English with an Irish accent, and also the little conversation I had with him last year in which he jokingly called me Miss Malfoy.

In that conversation, I also remember him saying Malfoy has got some explaining to do at home.

Of course, I had that conversation with Pansy later on which explained a lot but I have been wondering and curious, a lot, about what Malfoy put in that letter to his parents.

After the summer when I had a lot of time to think, after the conversation with Sirius about the Black family to which Malfoy is related, after that rather severe look Mr Malfoy was giving me on the platform in King's Cross Station...There is something just not sitting right with me with how good things are going between us while Malfoy ought not to be with someone like me, a half-blood.

You didn't think he went to the Owlery to send a letter with some lovely New Year's wishes to his Mum, did you, said Nott.

It's perhaps really stupid of me but I got a feeling, Malfoy might've been not honest about what's playing between us and that his parents still believe Pansy Parkinson is the one he will be marrying because Malfoy himself assured his parents that.

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