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"Byeee..." Lyra's voice trailed off as she closed the door behind her, departing with Pansy.

A deep sigh of relief escaped my lips once they were finally out of the room.

They were heading off to hang out with Ada, Daphne, Malfoy, and his group to play hide and seek.

I had participated a few times before, and I had to admit that hiding was quite enjoyable. Seeking, on the other hand, was a different story.

Trying to locate everyone in the sprawling castle, especially with players like Nott who were notorious for cheating and changing their hiding spots, was a true challenge.

Despite the sunny weather outside, I chose not to join them. Instead, I nestled in my bed beneath a cosy blanket, lying on my stomach.

The recurring dream, or rather the nightmarish vision featuring Wormtail, Voldemort, and recently revealed Barty Crouch Junior, had once again robbed me of a restful night's sleep, leaving me feeling tired as I woke up.

This was the seventh time I had experienced the dream.

It was my brother's dream, not mine. Every time, I witnessed it from Harry's perspective, and the whole situation was incredibly surreal.

Harry had first told me about this dream at the beginning of the school year, on our journey to Hogwarts. It was a different version back then, and it seems to be evolving.

We're June now and I had to endure the dream seven times by now.

The frequency of the dream may not matter to others, but for me, it was far too many times over that time span.

I didn't want to have it. I didn't want to dream about the person who had nearly taken my entire family from me, nor about Peter Pettigrew.

Naturally, I immediately confided in Hermione about it and needless to say, we went to the library together to search for an explanation and a solution.

We did find an explanation: in the Wizarding World, twins weren't just two people who looked alike. Every twin was one half of a whole, connected in a unique way. There was something special about the minds of twins, and they had a natural connection. However, because it was natural, that connection needed to be controlled and practised. It required a significant amount of time and effort, but once both twins had mastered it, it could be quite entertaining. Twins could make each other see visions, share dreams, and even hold conversations via their minds.

We also discovered a potential solution: Occlumency—the act of magically closing one's mind.

However, it was almost impossible to master without a skilled teacher, and it took a considerable amount of time.

Anyway, all that is to say that I'm screwed because I have Harry's creepy dreams and I'm tired and so that's why I'm taking a nap instead of joining my friends.

knock knock knock

I found myself in a rather perplexing situation, contemplating whether the sound of knocking had occurred in my dream or in the waking world.

Letting out a soft groan, I raised my head from the pillow and uttered a somewhat uncertain. "Yes?"

"Are you in your unmentionables, Potter?" Malfoy's muffled voice sounded in my ears.

I shifted in my drowsy state, then responded with a sleepy nod.

"Yes, I am." I lied, adjusting my head on the pillow, confident that this admission would keep him from barging in.

However, in the next moment, the door swung open, and Malfoy made his entrance into my dormitory.

"Lying little witch." He quipped.

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