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Draco and I were the only ones from sixth year taking that class.

I sincerely felt bad for Professor Slughorn who taught the subject.

Every single week we rolled into his classroom with a different vibe and he would get involved in it.

Sometimes, we'd get into heated debates, our voices filling the classroom as we defended our own perspectives until Slughorn would intervene.

Other times, we'd just enter in silence, staring straight ahead, feeling the tension in the air that Slughorn would clear.

And then there were also moments, where we'd walk in together, holdings hands like we were glued at the hip, our connection radiating so strong that nobody could deny it, and Slughorn telling us to focus on our work rather than each other with a hint of a smile on his lips as he turned to the blackboard to begin the day's lesson.

Today it was just me.

"Good morning, Amelia." Professor Slughorn greeted me as I walked unenthusiastically into his classroom.

"Morning, Professor." I replied with a weak smile, moving to my usual desk.

"Do you know where Draco is? He's late for class." The friendly man said, searching my eyes.

I stared at him for a moment, my heart already thumping in my chest, unsure of how to respond.

"Amelia?" Slughorn asked, concern etched on his face.

And then the tears started flowing, hot and fast down my cheeks.

"Oh, m'dear," I heard Slughorn mumbling.

I buried my face in my hands, overwhelmed by a flood of emotions. I couldn't bring myself to loop up at Professor Slughorn. I felt pathetic, embarrassed, and exposed for breaking down in front of him.

He walked over to my desk, his footsteps echoing in the silent classroom, and placed a comforting hand on my shoulder, offering solace in his touch.

"It's alright, Amelia." He said softly, the genuine worry in his tone making my tears flow even harder. "Sometimes, we all need a moment to let our emotions out."

I sniffled, trying to regain my composure, but it seemed like an impossible task.

My vulnerability at that moment felt magnified, and I couldn't shake off the feeling of inadequacy.

"Is there something troubling you?" Professor Slughorn asked, his voice filled with a genuine desire to help.

I didn't answer, just cried and cried.

"Should I bring you to the Hospital Wing?"

"No." I managed, my voice raw with emotion. "I'll be fine, Professor. Thank you."

Professor Slughorn gave a nod, understanding my need for privacy.

"Very well, Amelia. But remember, my door is always open if you ever need someone to talk to. And perhaps, when you're ready, you could come by for a cup of tea this evening. It might help to share your burdens."

I sniffled again, wiping away the tears from my cheeks. "Thank you, Professor. I'll consider it."

He smiled kindly and patted my shoulder one last time before returning to the front of the classroom.

The other desks remained empty, a stark reminder of Draco's absence. It was clear that he and I were no longer together, but the details were too fresh, too painful to share just yet.

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