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The feeling of fingers burying themselves in my hair by the nape of my neck made me half asleep.

My head was at a slow pace rising and falling, the scent my nose was breathing in and out was fragrant, and pleasant, and whatever I was partly sleeping on, wasn't remarkably softer than my bed but it did lie abundantly snug.

A brief look from my sleepy eyes told me it was Malfoy his body I was half laying on. His chest, his breathing my head was following the flow of.

One of my arms was loosely wrapped around his neck, my fingers hidden under the neckband of his sweater.

Our legs lumped together, one of mine resting over his - my feet reaching to his shins.

His one hand was in my neck, under my hair and the other one was hidden under my clothing, on my bare back, warmly.

We were still in the Common Room, not on the floor, however.

I remember us lifelessly crawling onto the right leather sofa we were sitting against with our backs, (later on, the one only Malfoy was sitting against) after I nearly fell asleep while my lips were attached to his and my eyelids began to weigh heavier.

Taking another squint, I looked at Malfoy. He had never looked that peaceful, at least, I hadn't seen him like that until now. Almost vulnerable. His white-blond hair was messy, his skin smooth and his lips looked even softer than they usually do.

Tonight was not the longest sleep I ever had, nor the one I need when I need to be rested but it was surely one of the best – the part with Malfoy, of course.

Dozing off and snuggling my face into the crook of his neck, nuzzling his skin, I could hear indistinctly a couple of voices and footsteps and by and by they were coming nearer us.

"Draco, mate," A boy's voice whispered, and I could feel that person gently shaking his shoulder.

Opening my eyes for a moment with a lack of energy, I saw a black hand - Zabini.

Someone sighed, "Six days it lasted, five days actually." I heard a mild voice commenting, chuckling quietly - Lyra.

"Early morning Quidditch practice before breakfast, remember?" Zabini continued, "We've got a lion to smother today."

"Make it quickly, Malfoy!" Lucian Bole, the captain of the team, yelled, his tone impatient and determined.

The day had finally come. The first game of the Quidditch season, Gryffindor against Slytherin or like everyone and Hogwarts like to name this duel, the lion vs the serpent.

I tried not to think about this day too much over the past few weeks. Especially since the fight between Harry and Malfoy but today it will be all about that game.

Of course, I'll be rooting for Slytherin despite that.

"Right," I heard Malfoy saying sleepily, "Go ahead, I'm right behind you."

Malfoy didn't move while Lyra and Zabini went on and left the Common Room as well as the other players from the Quidditch Team.

Then all of a sudden when I felt myself drifting off again, he removed his hand from my back and tried to straighten himself.

"Do you really have to?" I complained as I moved my other hand to his neck as well and clung both my arms around his neck.

"Mh," he hummed, "I'd rather stay here with you though." He said in a raspy voice.

"Then stay." I begged, "Just one minute. One."

One minute was actually one hour but Malfoy didn't need to know that.

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