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Mature Themes and Language

Mature Themes and Language

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early in the morning. You were on your way back to Jujutsu Tech. Oh how you were so excited to CRUSH... train these first years.

'I should get them rewards just in case' you thought to yourself, heading towards a small shop. Picking up some onigiri for everyone.

Making your way back, you spot Nanami in his usual suit. Looking as if he's going to his regular job. Going up to him and surprising him, you jump on his back.

Making the older practically jump out of his skin, and almost drop you. Realizing it's the only person who would jump on his back he sighs.

"Hi Nanami! It's been so long... why haven't you came and visit. Are we not friends~ anymore??" You pestered him with multiple questions at a time.

"I have a regular life that's why. Please get off of me Y/N" He asked as he rubbed his temples. You sigh and get off of him, a pout on your mouth.

"Nanami can I ask you something..." You ask with a mischievous smirk on your face, hands behind your back. He only hummed in agreement as he continued walking to his job.

"Are you married?" You whisper as you laugh to yourself. His eyes widened and he looked around to see if anyone heard that. Nanami was NOT trying to catch a case.

"That doesn't concern you Y/N... please refrain from saying that" He scolded, reaching to the door of his job.

You clicked your tongue in annoyance.

"Your such a buzzkill Nanami.. But have a good day at work! Oh and here" You said handing him a piece of paper.

Quickly running off you head to Jujutsu Tech. Nanami opened the paper... seeing a unrealistic drawing of a penis... and the word.


He sweat-dropped at that and crumbled the paper up. Getting to work.

"Damn teenagers.."
"Alright hoes I'm ready to help someone!" You exclaimed. Putting your hair up into a ponytail, as you stood in front of the First Years.

The second years stood around to watch and see what was going to happen.

"So who's first?" You question, making Megumi and Nobara gulp. Nobara breathed in and stepped up to you.

"Since Megumi's too scared.. I'll do it! I mean how bad could it be" Kugisaki cockily said, hands on her hips.

You give her a warm smile, but your eyes had said everything but that. Nobara looked around for help but in the end, she stood her ground.

"Three.." Maki said, not wanting to be here.

"Two!" Panda said excitedly ready to see what's going to happen.

"Salmon" Toge said nodding and giving a thumbs up.

You and Nobara charged at each other as she tried to hit you, but you dodged. Turning around you, grab her arm.

But before you could land a hit on her, she jabbed your side. Causing an 'ooh' to come from panda.

You fall down into the ground, playing dead. Not moving at all.. Nobara was confused. The second years and Megumi knew your tricks already... most of them.

But being a fair fight they didn't say anything. Nobara kneels down and looked at your face.

"Y/N! Are you okay? Guys I don't t-" but before she could finish you pull her down onto the ground.

Getting on top of her, holding her head down. She gasps and sweat-drops.

"You Liar! That was such a good move...." she says defeated. Everyone claps, nodding their head.

Getting off of Nobara you hold you hand out, she takes it and lifts up.

"Good Job Kugisaki! Just make sure you pay attention more on your opponent." You say as you dust off. She nods and makes a mental note.

"Of course.. thank you!" She says as she sits down next to the others.

Megumi comes up in front of you. You smirk and as prepare yourself.

"One..." Maki said, still not wanting to be here.

"Two!" Panda said even more excited, standing up.

"Salmon!" Toge said, giving a piece sign.

Running up to Megumi you lean down to grab his ankle, picking him up and swinging him into the grass.

He grunted as he got up, running over back to you. Megumi was able to get a hold of your ponytail, pulling you down.

You frown at that... 'no respect for women Megumi!?!' You think to yourself. To teach this emo kid a lesson, you punch him right in his jaw- a hint of cursed energy was put into that punch.

He flew over by everyone else, holding his jaw. The second years knew that the fights between you and Megumi were never nothing serious of course but... the both you would get pretty hurt.

"Oh damn Megumi! Land a hit already!" Panda cheered on the boy.

"No put him in his place" Maki said, now interested. Toge nodded in agreement.

Megumi got up, as you ran towards him again. This time leaving his foot out to trip you. But before you could fall he catches you.

Turning you around so your back faces him, kicking you in your lower back.

'That whore is going to give me ten years worth of back pain' you thought to yourself as your body landing onto the tree.

Groaning you mumble to yourself. Megumi has been getting stronger.

"Oh damn" Maki snickered, as Panda cheered for Megumi. Megumi came up to you, with just a hint of confidence in his voice.

"Do you give up N/N?" He questioned, as he looked down at you. Turning your head towards him, you kick him in his crotch.


Megumi instantly kneeled down, mumbling curse words. Laying on the ground with his eyes closed.

Panda and Toge had their mouths wide open. Maki cheered, clapping. Nobara also cheered saying stuff about girl power.

Going towards Megumi you stand up proud with a large smile on your face.

"Now your going to be my servant for a week, just for my pulling MY HAIR!" You yell as you pull him up by his collar, dusting him off.

"I- how is that f-" before he could protest you hold your Gunsen that you've been hiding in your pockets, toward his crotch.

"Disagree and see what happens" you threat, making everyone sweat-drop.

"Yep okay.. Servant for a week it is" Megumi complies, inching away from you.

"Good job You two! You both of great potential. I'll leave the rest to my classmates. You say as you head inside.

"Onigiri is by the door!" You say as you go inside.

"Oh and Megumi! Get me a lemonade!"

Megumi sighed as he rushed to get a lemonade, from who knows where.


Not this book at 1.49k. Oh my gosh thank you all! I'm trying to be consistent on writing for this book! I'm also going to be making another x reader soon!

If any of you are Haikyuu fans, it's going to be like a drug cartel type of book.

Anyways I hope you have a good day/night!

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