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Sienna pov

I woke up at 6 and I got ready letting luna sleep for a extra few minutes and I woke Hudson up.

"Luna wake up we are going on a trip baby." I spoke gently shaking her.

"Nooo mommy."

"I'm sorry baby but you can sleep in the car and on the plane or you could watch a movie with me."

"Both please mommy."

I helped her out of bed and I put a pair of shorts on her and a tee shirt. I did her hair and she brushed her teeth. I carried her out to the living room and saw Hudson waiting on us. "I'll grab out bags you can take her out to the car." I spoke running to grab my backpack double checking I had everything. I walk out and lock the door walking down to my car seeing Hudson buckling her in while she falls back to sleep. I start driving to the airport listening to the music quietly playing in the background. we made it to the airport and Hudson said he'd get the bags so I could carry luna.After security luna fell back to sleep while we were waiting to board and I just thought about the fact I have to see Harry tonight and I wasn't ready for that.

"Sienna you ok." Hudson asked me

"Umm yeah just thinking."

"About what."

"Gemma, texted me she's worried about harry and I am too."

"It's ok."

I nod waking Luna up since our flight is ready to board. "Hey lunes wake up we are getting on the plane baby." I speak seeing Luna open her eyes then try to rub the sleep out of them. We walk on to the plane and we were lucky enough to all be sitting next to each other. I put on a movie for Luna and I to watch while Hudson decides to sleep.

"Which movie do you want to watch."

"Barbie please."

I put on barbie dream house and held her hand while the plane took off. after a couple of hours we landed in North Carolina and got our luggage and walked out to Hudson's car which thankfully had a carseat in it. I check my phone and I have a message from gemma.

from Gemma: you're still going tonight right.

to Gemma: yes I'm worried about him.

Soon we arrived at my parents house and I was nervous to see my mom after the last trip.

"Hi Hudson, Sienna and Luna." Jenson spoke

"Hi jens." I spoke giving him a hug and letting Luna go play with him.

"Mae how are you."my dad asked

"I'm fine."I spoke accepting his hug looking at my mom who was definitely still mad at me. which upset me a little,

"She isn't mad at you Mae she regrets what she said." my dad tells me only loud enough for me to hear.

"Hi mom."I speak

"Hi Sienna."

That's all she said before she went back to cooking.I wish harry was still here he would comfort me. I got ready though Hudson said he'd watch her and that I needed a break. I decided on some blue jeans and a off the shoulder white top. I go out to the car and text Gemma that I'm on my way. I'm so nervous I feel as if I'm going to be sick, I shouldn't be doing this it was a dumb idea. Soon I arrive at the area in the back entrance and I see Jeff I met him once and he looks at me and smiles.

"when do you want me to see him." I ask Jeff

"Maybe after the show."Jeff speaks

"Ok just hide me so he can't find me until after."

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