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Siennas bachelorette party POV
August 12,2019
I had a gut feeling since I've been a bit nauseous and everything smells stronger that normal. I know I could be pregnant but I really do not want to take a test and find it to be true even if I want another kid but this time my own. I know Harry would be extremely happy actually over the moon if he found out I was pregnant and we could start our family now. I just needed to get it over with and take a test even if it was tonight.
"Gem I think I might be pregnant." I tell Gemma looking at her.
"Let's go get a test to see if you actually are it's your best bet." She tells me calming me down while we make our way to the closet CVS.
I was beyond anxious I bought 2 test just to make sure and I checked out making sure to place the test in a bag to hide them the best I can. When we got back to the hotel I went into the bathroom with the tests and water, Gemma was waiting for me on the bed to come out. I peed on the sticks setting a timer walking out to Gemma sitting next to her on the bed. I have tears streaming down my face, and I couldn't control it. When the timer went off I stood up and walked over turning them over and I saw pregnant on the test I was in shock. I truly didn't know what to do.
"What does it say si." Gemma asks me rubbing my back trying to calm me down.
"P-pregnant, I'm pregnant Gemma." I tell her the words coming out my mouth sound foreign.
"That's amazing you know Harry will be happy, he's a huge sucker for kids he loves them. Everything will work out how it's supposed to." Gemma tells me, we end up just watching movies I was to exhausted to do anything and I truly couldn't because I was pregnant and I didn't want to harm the baby. We fell asleep after the second movie.
Wedding day
I woke up this morning feeling a little bit better but extremely nauseous, I just have to hope it stops before the wedding starts. But soon everyone for hair and make up would be arriving. Harry is hanging out with Luna. I had my hair in a half up half down with light beach waves, I had light make up done too. Anne brought Luna back to me and she was beyond excited to look just like a princess. She keeps telling everyone which I find hilariously cute. Once everyone is ready we went and took pictures. Then it was time to walk down the isle, Luna loved being the flower girl she followed her instructions perfectly which I was beyond proud of her for. I walked down the isle reaching Harry who had tears in his eyes crying. I was so happy to marry the love of my life, the man of my dreams.
"Hi." I tell him quietly wiping his tears off his cheeks.
"You look beyond beautiful." He tells me taking my hands and I know it's taking everything in him not to kiss me right now.
"You may now kiss the bride."
Harry dips me into a kiss smiling at me before he kisses me. Everyone was cheering it was the perfect moment to say the least. He carried me bridal style out kissing me smiling.
"You're finally mrs.styles." He says smiling.
"I wouldn't want any other name to replace my last name." I tell him smiling, we watch Luna she runs over to us wanting a hug Harry picks her up and she smiles giving him a kiss like I did.
"My queen and princess." He says smiling at both of us. We walked out to the car that was taking us to the venue for the reception. But one thing was running through my head when should I tell him I'm pregnant. We made it to our venue Harry and I did our first dance then I dance with my dad and him with his mom. Most of our older guest started to leave around 11. Gemma was gonna watch Luna tonight. I decided now was the best time so I pulled him aside from everyone.
"I'm pregnant." I say and he looked like a deer in front of head lights. "I just found out yesterday night." I say giving him a few seconds to comprehend what I just said. "Please say something Harry." I say I was starting to get worried.
"I just don't know what to say."
"Are you happy that we're gonna have a little one."
"Of course I'm happy I'm just shocked, but I can't wait."
"I love you H." I tell him.
"I love you more and same with our little one."
We ended up dancing for a few more hours until our dj left for the night. I was having a ton of fun with our friends. We ended up going up to our hotel at 2 am. He helped me out of my dress before we got into bed falling asleep.

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