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Sienna pov
I had woken up before Harry and got up to try and pack a little bit of stuff that we had left before the flight. I knew he needed sleep it was the best way to quiet his mind from all of his issues with work. I woke Luna and Jensen up telling them they could play for an hour before we had to leave to go to the airport. I got another shower straightening my hair and letting it fall down my back, even though I'd probably pull it up before we even get on the flight.
"Hi darling." Harry says as he wraps his arms around my shoulders
"Hi babe." I say turning my head so I could kiss him.
"Did you finish packing everything?" He asks me.
"Yeah I did it while I let you sleep and Luna and Jenson are playing for their last time for this trip."
"You're the best you know that right."
"I know, thank you." I say kissing him and shooing him to go get ready since we needed to leave soon.
I walk out of the bathroom and go down to the basement and see Luna and Jensen playing nicely together.
"Hey guys come here we need to get you two dressed." I follow them up to the room they were sharing and I was letting Luna stay in her pjs, I did her hair while Jenson get dressed. "Come on let's go take some picture of you guys." I say and grab my Polaroid camera. I let them choose their poses, it would be something for them to look at to remind themselves of having each other. Jenson hugs her and I take a picture of it and it was cute thank god I got two of the almost exact picture knowing they could fight if I didn't.
"Mommy you should get one with Harry." Luna said.
"he's getting ready babes it's ok." I say and turn seeing Harry behind me.
"No I'm not I'm right here." Harry says walking towards me.
"Uncle Hudson take a picture of mommy and Harry." Luna called out to Hudson who was walking outside.
"Okay where is the camera." Hudson asks and watches Luna point to the one in my hand, Harry handed him his phone. I stood in front of Harry and he wrapped him arms around me, we both were smiling. Then Harry picks me up bridal style and kisses me. I know Hudson has gotten all of these since he loves to take picture he always has.
"I got them but now we need to get you guys to the airport." Hudson says smiling at us. He brought the kids out to the car while Harry and I ran up to grab our bags. Once we had our bags we were on our way to the airport, I was always scared about being seen, I like having my normal life but we both enjoy the privacy of this relationship. Sooner or later we would be exposed to the public. We say our goodbyes to Hudson and Jenson, I have to pry Luna away from Jensen the two are like twins they want to always be together. We get through security and are waiting in a private boarding area so Harry can't be spotted. Soon we had gotten on the flight and Luna watched a movie with Harry while I slept on his shoulder most of the flight. When we got off the plane, Luna was asleep and I carried her off of the plane while Harry grabbed my bag and his. He decided it would be best for his car to pick us up on the terminal due to this being the most crowded time in LAX.
"Are we staying at Harry's house now mommy."
"Yes, lunes Harry want us to live with him."
"Is Harry my daddy now then mommy."
My jaw drops and I can see Harry go bug eyed but then smiled. "When we get to Harry's house you can ask him." I say knowing it'd be the best place for this conversation. I watch Luna as we sit in the back of the car while Harry is in the front. After what felt like years of driving thanks to LA traffic we arrived at Harry's house, Luna was hyper and wanted to talk to Harry.
I follow the two inside and sit on the couch with them as they have their discussion.
"So Harry can I call you daddy please." Luna asks smiling and giving puppy dog eyes, she really wants him to be her dad almost like then he can't leave her again.
"You can call me whatever you want Luna, only if you are comfortable with calling me dad." He spoke almost repeating the exact same words I told Luna when she asked about me.
"Okay." Luna said. "Mommy what's for dinner I'm hungry." Luna asked and I looked at Harry who shrugged.
"How about Mac and cheese, it's your favorite." I say and watch Luna nod. I walk into the kitchen and make the Mac and cheese. Harry comes into the kitchen and looks at me. "I'm sorry I knew that she wants you to be her dad but I didn't think that she'd ask you out of nowhere." I say picking at my fingers out of nervousness.
"You don't need to apologize darling she can call me whatever she wants and ask me whatever."
"I feel like she is trying to trap you so you can't leave again, she is attached to you Harry that's why she asked you."
"Well now I feel awful, I broke a promise to you and I scared her so now she doesn't want me to leave."
"Harry." I say putting my arms on his shoulders. "Remember what I said you weren't in the right head space but now your here now that's all that matters, ok." I rub my hands up and down his arms then move into hug him. "You're better now Harry everything will be alright."
"Everything will be alright." He repeats and helps me finish dinner. We give Luna Mac and cheese and she eats then goes right back to playing with her toys. She has school tomorrow so it's an early bedtime, which she got upset about. Harry took over the rest of her bedtime routine after her tantrum, I walk down to do the dishes. Harry comes down and smiles then frowns when he realizes I did the dishes before he could.
"Hey I was gonna do that." He said
"Well you were a little late babe." I say kissing his cheek.
"Do you work tomorrow by any chance."
"Sadly but not for long hopefully."
"I have a meeting and I'm gonna tell them exactly what you told me to tell them."
"You better because I don't like seeing you stressed and mentally exhausted."
"I will don't worry, love." He spoke kissing my temple then my lips.
"It's getting late and I know we are gonna have a hard time waking up Luna, plus we both have work tomorrow." He spoke and I nodded in agreement.
"Goodnight my love."
"Goodnight handsome." We kiss each other Goodnight and fall into a deep sleep in each others arms where we belong.

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