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Sienna pov

Today we were going to London, I wouldn't let Harry know but I was freaking out mentally. I couldn't believe that I still said yes to this idea. But It probably was time for me to go meet them in person because we have talked through the phone. Both of them are lovely people but I am so different than all the other girls he has dated, I'm normal not a model, actress or even a singer. I packed my stuff so that I'd be ready for when Harry came to get me, I know that he will see the anxiety through my eyes cause he can always somehow tell when I'm anxious.

from harry: If you are done packing I could come get you and we could relax at my place.

to harry: Yeah that would be ok.

from harry: Ok I'm leaving my house now.

My thoughts were now running rapid, I mentally hated how bad my anxiety would be over the smallest things. But being with Harry should help since my anxiety typically isn't that bad with him. After what felt like hours in my thoughts but it was probably only 25 minutes Harry arrive at my apartment and took my luggage even though I was fine carrying it. So I just walked next to him after I locked my apartment up.

"Are you ok, darling." he asked me and I knew that he would ask me.

"Yes, I'm fine bubs." I said

"I'm not buying it, talk to me."

"My anxiety is just bad, Harry. I'm fine." I told him knowing he'd never drop the subject.

"When we get to my apartment we can do whatever will help your anxiety, ok." he spoke and I just squeezed his hand in response.

But I wasn't fine, I was embraced with how he could figure out that I wasn't fine no one never knew back home. I knew only so long before I was replaced with someone better and famous. Even though I knew he would probably never do that but things happen and people change. I needed to stop thinking like this, but I couldn't help it I have trust issues and my overthinking could destroy this relationship. I knew that he was one person who I don't want to lose, he's my person.

"Sienna." Harry called my name probably ten times but I was too deep in my thoughts to notice.

"Um.. sorry what did you say before."

"I said we are at my apartment."

I got out of the seat and walked into his apartment. Knowing that he was going to make me talk but I would most likely stay quiet.

"Darling what is up, you don't seem like yourself at the moment." he spoke with seriousness in his voice.

'I was just thinking and I guess I just kinda zoned out."

"You know that you can talk to me right, I won't get upset with you I promise." he spoke and I could hear the honesty in his voice.

"I don't know Harry, I just feel like I'm drowning In my head. My anxiety is awful and I feel like a burden to you." I spoke and I put my head down into my knees so I couldn't see the look on his face.

"Ok, this week you are just going to take a break from life. We can do fun things and you are gonna do your best to not overthink, because you do it so much." He said.

"Thank you." was all I said before hugging him and inhaling his dominate scent that I have grown to love. He kept his arms wrapped around me making sure that I felt safe and secure.

After about 2 hours of staying like that we had to leave to go to the airport and catch a flight to London. I was excited to meet Harry's family but the fact that my anxiety has been off the carts for no reason was not helping me at this point. We got on the plane and chose to just stay close to each other and make small talk.

eventually we landed and Harry said that we could go stay at his house tonight since it was late and we were both tired and just wanted to relax. He said that we can go see his family tomorrow.

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