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Sienna pov
Today we were flying into North Carolina since tomorrow I was gonna be Hayden's donor. Harry was gonna be by my side the whole time which I was very appreciative about. We got into north Carolina pretty late so we just went to bed, Luna was exhausted and we all were but I was definitely nervous about tomorrow and I knew Harry could feel my anxiousness radiating off of me.
"Everything will be ok tomorrow, I'll be right by your side until you go into the operating room. Then when you wake up I'll be right by your side again." He says doing his best to calm my nerves.
"I know Harry but I'm still nervous."
He starts to sing they don't know about us to me and it does work to calm my nerves.
"Thank you for that H."
"Anytime love. How about we get some sleep ok it's been a long day."
We fall asleep eventually, enjoying each other comfort.
We woke up in the morning and Harry drove me to the hospital so we could be on time for pre operation. He stayed with me the whole time holding my hand and keeping me company.
"Ms. Garcia it is time to take you into the operating room." The doctor states and Harry nod telling me good luck and giving me a kiss, I nod and watch him walk out. I let the doctor lead me into the operating room. Soon I was under anesthesia I was out for about two hours while they took my bone marrow. I woke up and my lower half was definitely numb so couldn't feel any pain yet at least.
"How are you darling." Harry says when he comes into my room to see me.
"Numb to say the least."
"I talked to your doctor he said you are free to go in about an hour to 30 minutes. Do you want anything."
"I'm fine for now I just wanna get out of here."
"I know we can watch a movie for now to pass the time."
"H, I feel bad that you are always taking care of me."
"Oh hush Sienna it's ok you can take care of me when ever you already do though basically."
"I know Harry but you have taken off of work so many times I feel bad."
"Sienna I make my own schedule and we are on a break until we can figure out some songs that probably won't come out for 2 years."
"Ok I'll stop feeling bad."
We waiting on my doctor to come in and release me which was pretty soon. The nurse wheeled me out of the hospital and to Harry's car he lifted me into the car knowing my lower body is still a little numb. We arrived back at my parents house and he carried me up to my room and helped me get comfortable before going to get me something to eat before taking some pain medicine.
"Can you feel your lower body yet." He asked me.
"A little I'm gaining more feeling with time. But the pain is definitely starting in my hips and back."
"In a few minutes the pain meds will start up again. I'm gonna go check on Luna get some rest Sienna." He says rubbing my arm.
He walks out of the room to go see Luna and I try to get some rest. I fall asleep for some time but I don't know and soon after I wake up Harry is walking in to check on me.
"How are you darling." He asks me walking closer to me.
"In pain." Is all I can get out without the tears starting to fall.
"I'm sorry baby." He says getting into the bed so that he is close to me now. He stays with him holding ice packs on my hips and holding one on my back. "Do you want anything to eat at all."
"I'm not hungry at all." I says speaking completely honestly knowing it's a side effect that I'm having.
"I'm gonna get you more ice."
I nod my head and watch him walk out. He soon comes back with ice and Luna.
"Hi mommy, how are you."
"I'm ok lunes."
"Jenson and I have been playing today he's my best friend."
"I'm happy to hear that Luna."
Luna left and it was just Harry and I again. He held ice on me while I slept I couldn't be more thankful for him. He is truly my best friend. I could feel him getting up and I spoke "Don't leave please." I wanted him to be near me.
"I'll be right back don't worry." He said kissing the top of my head and walking out of the room.
I get up when he leave to to go the bathroom and my everything is stiff making walking difficult but I make it into the bathroom eventually. I get back into my bed and check my phone which had a message from Anne and Gemma.
From Anne: hope you are doing well Harry told me you wear donating bone marrow. How did you like the promise ring he got you too?
From Gemma: so I heard my brother got you a promise ring, when is the wedding happening. Also how are you after donating bone marrow.
I text Anne back first.
To Anne: I'm doing ok and I love the promise ring it looked almost exactly like his rose ring.
To Gemma: um no wedding anytime soon I am not ready to get married. My back and hips hurt a lot.
From Anne:I'm so happy you love it he was freaking out the whole time don't tell him I told you.
To Anne:I would never my lips are sealed.
From Gemma: can't wait to go wedding dress shopping with you!
To Gemma: Gemma I'm not getting married yet calm down you can get married first.
I turn off my phone and wait for Harry to come back but I do not want to get out of bed since I'm still very stiff and sore. Within 5 minutes Harry was back next to me.
"You doing alight darling." He asks me.
"Yep, what's Luna and jenson up to."
"Playing like they are the only two people on earth."
"She loves coming to North Carolina for being able to see Jenson."
"I can tell now do you want anything to eat before I give you more medicine."
"Well I'm getting you some crackers at least you need something in your stomach it will destroy your stomach."
He runs down to go get some crackers and my medicine. I knew he would make me eat cause he cares for me and knows I need to.
"Here at least eat 3 crackers just for me please." He says but begging me.
I nod and eat the 3 crackers then take the medicine.
"I'm gonna put Luna to bed and then I'll be right back."
I lay in bed and I kinda fell asleep, when Harry came back he got ready and I waited for him to join me in bed.
"Goodnight darling." He spoke kissing my forehead as he cuddled up next to me.
"Goodnight H." I said falling back to sleep in his arms enjoying it.

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