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Sienna pov
I wake up checking on Luna and to see if I had gotten my period yet so that I wouldn't be pregnant. I just needed to get over my fears and just talk to him knowing he will understand. Seeing clearly I'm late and we have had sex a couple of times unprotected. I still have morning sickness, so I was gonna go to the grocery store and get food and some pregnancy tests to be on the safe side.
"I'll be back in an hour, going to the store." I tell him kissing his lips.
"No stay in bed, it quiet time." He says trying to pull me into bed.
"No H, the stores are quiet at this time I'll make it fast I promise, both of the kids are asleep." I say pulling his arm off of me.
"Fine, I love you be safe." He says pulling me down to kiss him, I kiss him back pulling away first.
"I love you too and I will." I say walking out to the cars, choosing the Range Rover getting in and buckling before I leave the drive way and go straight to the store to get the necessities and a pregnancy test. I finish everything walking out to the car loading everything into the trunk before getting into to drive back home. I hope Harry is still sleeping so I can hide the pregnancy test for now until I talk to him. I walk in the door and hear screaming children all screaming mommy or mama and I feel horrible leaving him but we needed groceries.
"What's wrong you two or should I say three cause daddy looks upset too." I say looking at all of them.
"Luna's arm hurts, Brantley is teething again I think." He tells me handing brant to me and I look at Luna. "How bad does you arm hurt darling."
"It's uncomfortable, arms itchy." She tells me and I wipe her tear.
"Well it's gonna be uncomfortable for a few days since your arm is in a cast, but you'll be okay go play." I tell her kissing her head before walking over to Harry keeping Brantley on my hip. "Now are you okay,you seemed stressed." I ask him
"I'm okay it was just a lot. You okay, are you feeling fine." He asks me. I feel bad but I need to tell him.
"Um, yeah but come with me." I say putting Brantley down in his pack and play. He follows me upstairs sitting next to me on the bed.
"You're scaring me Sienna what's wrong." He Saudi looking into my eyes searching for some type of answer.
"It's not bad, I just think I might be pregnant again." I say looking at him trying to read his face.
"That's amazing, did you take a test yet." He tells me hugging me and kissing me smiling.
"No, I wanted you to be with me so we could see together, but my periods been late so I just thought it's a possibility." I say.
"Okay well we could do it during nap time, since they were up early today."
"That's good but we should probably go back downstairs though."
He agrees with me and we make our way downstairs seeing Brantley playing with his toys and Luna watching a movie. I lift Brantley since Harry was close I was trying to get him to walk to Harry. "Go to dada Brantley." I say letting go of his hands as Harry holds his out, Brantley takes his first step to Harry. It was an amazing thing to watch, it made me so happy but also sad because he's growing up and getting bigger. We watched him take a few more steps before falling into Harry's arms giggling.
"Good job brant, go watch to mommy." He says lifting him and turning him to face me, letting go of his fingers as he walks over to me smiling.
"Mama mama." Brantley says giving me a huge slobbery kiss, smiling.
"Hi B, my little mamas boy." I say holding him as we stand up to go make some lunch before nap time. We fed them boy before putting them down. Harry and I went upstairs for me to go take the test, I was freaking out trying not to get my homes up. I went and peed on the stick leaving it face down setting a timer while I walked out to Harry sitting next to him. "Everything will be alright even if you feel like it's too soon." He tells me
"I know, but let's not get our hopes up because I might not even be pregnant." I tell him resting my head on his chest taking deep breaths trying my best to calm my nerves while we are waiting on the timer to go off. Eventually it goes off and I look at Harry who holds my hand as I pick up the test turning it over for us to read it.
"I'm pregnant." I say looking up at Harry who is smiling at me.
"You're pregnant." He says kissing me holding me close to him kissing me.
"They are gonna be so close in age."
"It will be alright, we should probably wake Luna up and have her do some schoolwork." He stay kissing me before getting up to wake Luna up. Brantley stayed asleep longer making my life easy while I felt extremely nauseous, I missed my family so much, no one has met Brantley yet I want this pandemic to be over I want a hug from my mom and dad and for them to meet their grandson Brantley. I laid down calling my mom just wanting to hear her voice, I talk to her asking about Hayden and he's on seeing how everyone is doing.
"You okay love." He asks me looking at me clearly getting his answers. "What's wrong si, talk to me."
"I miss my mom, she still hasn't met Brantley yet. I just am home sick, I think." I say stuttering every few seconds letting the tears fall.
"I know, I'm sorry I wish this pandemic didn't happen either but it did and now we are here with two healthy kiddos and one on the way." He says kissing me then kissing my belly. "I'll be right back." He says running out and coming back with Brantley and Luna who lay down in our bed Luna giving me a hug Brantley laying his head in my stomach giving it kisses. The little ones always know. We end the night watching a movie all together enjoying this time.

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