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Sienna pov

It's been a week since I came home and Harry would be flying in tomorrow. I missed him a lot and I wish he did come with me but it was probably best that I came alone at first. My parents and the doctors had decided that high dose chemotherapy and stem cell transplant would be the best treatment option for him. I have spent my days from being at the hospital to watching Jenson. I know that Harry is gonna see right through me and notice how tired I am but I'm not, I am just emotionally and mentally drained right now. Today was a watch Jenson for little then go take my parents spot at the hospital so they can have some rest, I was more worried about my mom at this point because she feels so bad about Hayden.

"Sienna can we watch a movie please." Jenson asked pulling on my sweatshirt while I was trying to clean.

"Yeah, you go pick out a movie while I finish this." I spoke shooing him away.

"I wanna watch the incredicbles." Jenson yelled to me

"Ok bubs, I'll put it on."

I walked into the living room and put on the movie for him. Deciding on sitting down with him for a few minutes letting him stay cuddled up against my arm till he fell asleep and I could put him down for a nap. I heard a ding and I knew it was Harry so I decided to answer before putting Jenson in his bed.

from Harry: I'll be getting in tomorrow around 7 am. Are you sure you want to pick me up, cause I'll take an uber if not it's completely fine.

to Harry: I'll be there H, I promise.

I decided to go back to cleaning and debating if I was going to go back down to California, my whole life was down there. This was a conversation I needed to have with my parents, yeah sure they have Wyatt and Hudson here to help them. But I feel too guilty leaving them. I made a mental note to talk to my parents about this. Once Hudson got home I left to go to the hospital to take my parents spot and watch him tonight since he had his first chemo treatment today and the effects were most likely going to be bad.

"Hi Hayd, how do you feel."I asked him looking at his pale skinny body.

"Tired." He spoke very quietly

"Go to sleep or just shut your eyes I'll be outside I need to talk to mom and dad."I said then pulling my parents outside his room to talk.

"what should I do because I have a job, an apartment, boyfriend all in California. I will drop it all and stay here if I really need to or even just come back every month. I don't know what to do, I feel bad leaving I really do because Wyatt and Hudson are both very busy and have rarely been here." I rambled

"Mae, you could stay here for how ever long you want your mother and I can handle this. You could always come back every month. This decision is all on you Mae we cannot make this for you. You are an amazing help with Jenson we would just need to figure out something for him."

"I know it my decision dad but I feel bad leaving you have no one to watch Jenson he's too young to be left alone and it would cost too much for a babysitter everyday."

"We can talk more tomorrow Mae, we will figure this all out I promise." my dad told me, giving me a hug before he left with mom.

I walked back into Haydens room checking on him. He had a slight fever but not very high which is normal.

"Sienna I don't feel well." he spoke putting his hand up to his mouth. I grabbed a bedpan that was next to me.

"here, use this." I handed to him.

He probably threw up for like 5 minutes straight, I felt bad. I kept my hand on his back comforting him since mom wasn't here.

"Guess who is flying in tomorrow."


"Yeah, he wanted to come when you first got sick but I didn't let him."

"Why not I like Harry, he's nice really nice."

"I didn't know how everyone would react to him showing up with me."

"Harry is the best, I bet everyone would have been happy."

"It's ok he will be here tomorrow when you might feel a little bit better bubs. I'm gonna get you some crackers ok, you don't have anything in your stomach."

he nodded his head and I walked to the cafeteria and got some crackers and a coffee for me to help me stay awake for at least a couple more hours. After Hayden ate the crackers he went to sleep till about 1 am and then woke me up cause he didn't feel well, I checked on him but it just was the side effects from chemo bothering him.

"Bubs, I'm sorry there isn't anything I can do you just need to ride out the rest of the effects." I told him standing next to his bed pushing his hair out of his face.

"But I don't feel good make it stop." he whined

"Hayd you know if I could take your pain I would but I can't shut your eyes I'll stay right here ok." I told him trying to get him to understand, I stayed right next to his bed the rest of the night until my mom and dad arrived.

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