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Sienna pov

I drove to the airport with Jenson in my car after I picked him up so he wouldn't be alone since Hudson had school.

to Harry: I brought Jenson with me but he is half asleep so there won't be very much talking from him. See you soon H.

from Harry: Ok I'll be out soon, can't wait to see you.

I smiled at my phone and looked back at Jenson who was now fully asleep in his carseat hugging his teddy bear. After waiting about 3 minutes I see Harry walking to my car and I jump out to go hug him.

"Hi love, did you miss me that much." he asked me chuckling

"Yes." I mumbled into his sweatshirt inhaling his scent.

I pulled away from the hug and he frowned at me and I knew he could tell I was exhausted.

"Sienna Grace have you been sleeping, you look exhausted." he asked me very sternly

"Yes harry, I'm fine. let's get to my house before people recognize you." I told him grabbing his bag and putting it in the back near Jenson.

I jumped into the car and started driving back to my house in the silent car. I knew I'd need to go to the hospital tonight but I didn't't have the energy, I just wanted to fall asleep in Harry's arms. I needed a break.

"You've been awfully quiet." he told me

"I'm sorry Harry, I'm just mentally exhausted." I told him truthfully

"Well how about I carry Jenson in and put him in his room and then we can go in your room and you can relax, fall asleep whatever you want but sleep might help you the most." he told me

"Ok, thank you Harry."

I grabbed his bag and brought it up to my room while he carried Jenson upstairs. Soon harry got into my bed and raised his arms so I would wrap my arms around his waist and placed my head on his chest and within 5 minutes I fell asleep to Harry playing with my hair.

"harry is Sienna sleeping." Jenson came into my room looking at harry.

"yeah buddy she was tired, should we wake her and make some breakfast." he spoke in a very soft voice.

"Give her a kiss on the head, that's what she does to me when I need to wake up."

He bent down and kissed me on the forehead, my eye fluttered open. I looked up and saw a smiling Harry.

"Good morning sissy." Jenson say climbing up on my bed to come sit with us.

"Good morning bubba. What would you like for breakfast cause I know you are hungry." I told him watching him climb between me and harry.

"chocolate pancakes please." He asked making puppy dog eyes.

I got up from my bed and looked at the two boys who really wanted pancakes. I knew Harry must've been hungry from his flight and Jenson too because since I was at the hospital I have no clue if he even ate dinner.

"Boys I finished your pancakes." I yelled up to them

I heard Jenson giggling as harry carried him down the steps tickling him. I smiled I enjoyed that Harry and Jenson got along .

"Sienna these are so good." Harry spoke

"Sissy makes the best food Harry." Jenson spoke and he was covered in chocolate .

"Jenson you are a mess." I told him rolling my eyes and grabbing a napkin to wipe his face.

"No I'm not." he protested against me cleaning his face and I just decided to wait until he was done eating in general.

After Jenson finished eating Harry and I took him outside to burn some of his energy. He saw in the pool while Harry and I talked keeping an eye on Jenson the whole time.

"Sienna how have you been dealing with this, be honest with me. I don't what to see you over worked like you are now."

"I spend the nights at the hospitals watching Hayden sleep so my parents can rest. Then I spend my days with Jenson."

"Have you been sleeping?" he questioned me

"How ever long I can sleep until Hayden wakes me up when he's in pain. I would say max about 2 hours a day."

"Sienna that isn't healthy, are you going to come back to California."

"I need too but there is no one to watch Jenson unless my parents stop going to the hospital together. I feel guilty leaving what if they need me right away, I'm so far. I don't know what to do."

"I know, but your job is out there. could you bring Jenson to California with you and let him stay with you possibly."

"No that would be a bad idea he will probably be confused and upset because he loves being home."

"I'm sorry darling, I don't want you to be stressed or see your family in pain."

I just lay my head on harry's chest wanting to just be as close as I can get with him.

"sissy I'm tired." Jenson yelled to me.

"Okay come on. let's go change you out of your wet swimsuit, then you can go nap ok." I spoke watching Jenson run over to grab my hand.

He falls asleep and I go back to Harry and I know that eventually I'm just going to breakdown. I sit next to him and fall back into the position I was in before I put Jenson down for a nap.

"Whatever decision you make, it will be ok." he whispered into my ear.

"I know, but it doesn't feel like it will."

He just hold me I know that he has gone through rough patches too. Even if it would be ok in the end I couldn't believe it.

"How about you have Hudson stay the night at the hospital tonight, I think you need a break you are exhausted." He suggested

"Hudson wouldn't do Harry."

"Let me go talk to him and you stay here, Ok."

I just nodded, letting the headache form. He was right I am exhausted, I need a break more than anything. I just wanna be with Harry.

"Hudson said he would, Sienna all you had to do was ask. Now we can do whatever you want ok, love."

"I love you Harry."

"I love you too Sienna Grace." he spoke lowering his lips to my head, giving me a kiss.

Harry decided to get us a hotel for the night so we could just relax for the night together.


"Hmm." he hummed looking down at me.

"I think I wanna go back to California with you, my job, my apartment and you are there. I'll fly back if he gets worse. I know that they will release him from the hospital and he will stay home and only go for chemo treatments."

"I'm proud of you." he kisses my lips

I fell asleep with my arms wrapped around his body. I could feel his fingers running through my hair as I was asleep it was comforting in a way.

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