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Sienna pov
27 weeks
We have been deciding if we want to know the gender or not. I've been buying things for the nursery throughout the past weeks and not knowing the gender just made everything harder. I also didn't want to keep calling the baby "them" or "they". Today we are gonna find out we had Jeff get us a cake with either pink or blue on the inside. I am hoping for a boy and Harry really wants a girl. My bump is definitely very noticeable unlike before but I'm happy and Harry's been taking pictures of my bump growth which I find adorable. Luna wanted a little sister and keeps talking about how they can play with her barbies and learn music and dance just like her. Luna insisted on wearing all pink to the reveal for good luck she told me. Harry whore blue jeans and a white top while I wore a white maxi dress that showed off my bump beautifully.
"You look beautiful sienna." Harry says coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around the growing bump.
"Thank you, you look very handsome too Harry."  I tell him leaning my head back so it's rested against his chest.
"Are you excited to know the gender." He asks rubbing my stomach, then resting his hand.
"Did you feel that they kicked." I say feeling happy that they are moving around and growing.
"I felt it a little." He says and I take his hand and move it to where I felt it.
"Talk to them, they will do it again." I tell him.
"Hi baby, I'm your daddy. You're gonna be super loved by everyone, especially your big sister Luna." He says keeping his hand there the whole time. Pausing every few seconds, he or she kicked when he said Luna's name. Harry smiled and looked up at me. All I could think about was how real everything was becoming and it wasn't a defeat I am truly married, have a daughter and have a baby on the way. "Come on let's go cut the cake, I'm gonna have Jeff film it for our families to see." He says pulling me out of my deep thoughts.
"Okay but let's get Luna, first." I say and Luna comes running up to me holding my leg acting like it's a hug. "Well hi lunes, we are gonna go cut the cake come on." I say holding my hand out for her. We stood at the counter and waited for Jeff to bring out the cake. Which was beautifully decorated with, white frosting around the whole cake with pink,blue and yellow dots around the cake with It's A... on the top of the cake. Harry held Luna in one arm and helped me cut the cake with the other.
"Well What is it a boy or a girl." Jeff asked.
"It's a boy." Harry and I said smiling he pulled me into his side hugging me then kissing the top of my head.
"I wanted a sister mommy." Luna said.
"I know I'm sorry baby but look you'll have a brother and he can still play music with you and daddy." I say looking up at Harry for some help on explaining that maybe next time it would be a girl.
"He will?" She asked smiling interrupting my thoughts.
"When he's older, when he comes out of my stomach he will be little and all he'll do is eat,sleep cry and go to the bathroom." I tell her kissing her head.
"Okay mommy I'm gonna go play with my barbies with auntie Sarah and uncle Mitch." She tells me skipping over to Mitch and sarah. I chuckle and look over to Harry who's smiling at me and chuckling too.
"She has everyone wrapped around her fingers that's for sure." He says
"Yes she's quite the charmer if she wants something." I say.
"Let's text out moms about the baby boy that will be here soon." He says holding my hand as we walk over to the couch.
To mom: watch this video, we had our gender reveal.
From mom: I can wait to meet him, congratulations sienna we love you and Harry dearly.
I smile at my phone and see Harry deep in thought.
"Hey what's up." I say touching his bicep that has definitely gotten a lot bigger.
"Management gave me the all clear to release another song this month." He said smiling
"Which one." I ask since I know the titles.
"Adore you." He says
"I'm so proud of you." I say kissing his lips quickly but passionately.
"No make out session." he says smirking
"Maybe tonight you'll never know." I say happy that I'm the one smirking now.
"Mean dont deprive me of sex." He says but whispering "sex" in my ear.
"I'll deprive you if I want to." I say giggling but it's cut short when Harry smashes his lips into mine. "Harry we still have company over."
"I'll kick them out it's nearly 8pm. Past Luna bedtime." He says happy going up to people saying good bye even though most people are filing out at this point.
"Mitch, sarah we can take it from here if you want to go home." I say referring to them cleaning up the barbies and Luna sleeping on the floor holding a Barbie.
"Thank you and congratulations on the boy." Sarah tells me waving bye, Harry comes up and changes her and sets her in bed while I clean up most of the barbies.
"Are you done depriving me of sex now." He asks growing super impatient.
"I don't know but let's go in our room and I'll tell you she's sleeping." I say grabbing his hand pulling him into our bedroom. After a round or two I was tired and he was happy but I was think about too many things to sleep right now.
"Penny for your thoughts love." He asks me.
"What if I'm not a good mom Harry, I have Luna but I didn't raise her when she was a baby." I say quick picking at my thumb with my other finger.
"Sienna you will be a great mom, I promise you. It will take time to get use to everything and we will be in it together learning how to raise a infant." He says kissing my forehead then my lips.
"Do you have a name you like for a boy." I ask him
"I like Harry jr." he says laughing.
"I don't we are not naming him Harry Edward Styles jr. I like Brantley Logan" I say smiling.
"I love it but not as much as Harry jr." he says still holding me and laughing.
"We will see Harry." I say holding his hand to play with his rings.
"Come on it's been a long day let's get some sleep I bet Luna will be up early tomorrow too." He says
"Goodnight." He says kissing my lips before turning out the light by our bed.

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