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Sienna pov
35 weeks
Anne was coming out this week so that she could be here in case the baby is born and we need someone to stay with Luna. Harry's birthday is coming up and we are probably just having cake but at least Anne will be here with us. But I really wish my mom could be here but she can't Hayden isn't doing well, but at least I will have Anne with me and Gemma since she told us she wants to be here for the birth too. Harry has done a couple of promos for the album so far but all of them have been close to LA so he was never too far in case my water broke.
"Mommy mommy when is baby brother coming." She asks me jumping up and down.
"He's gonna be here soon and guess who else will be here in a couple hours." I tell her giving her a special surprise,
"Daddy?" She asks with a questioning tone.
"No auntie Gemma and nana. They are gonna watch you when mommy and daddy are at the hospital." I tell her making sure she knows the run down for when it does happen.
"Really I miss auntie Gemma, you think she'll play barbies." She asks me as we sit on the couch together.
"I bet she will, lunes, but when they get in you need to let them go to sleep they will be tired but can play all day tomorrow."
"I will when are we gonna go pick them up."
"Soon, but you need to go get dress."
"Okay I'll be back." She told me running up the steps. I got up and texted Harry that I would be going to Pick up Anne and Gemma even though he wants me to stay home and he'd send a driver to go get them. He wanted me to stay home in case anything happens with the baby.
Ring ring
"Hello." I say
"Sienna grace I swear just let my driver pick them up." He tells me practically begging
"Harry that's rude, they are our guest."
"And you are 35 weeks pregnant." He says and I can see the smirk growing on his face even though I can't see his face.
"Fine send your driver, because you're stubborn and I just want to relax."
"Okay thank you, I love you I'll be home tomorrow."
"I love you too, I miss you a ton and so does Luna."
"I know I'll be home soon, mom and Gemma will be there in 30 minutes."
"Okay, finish you're interviews and promo."
"Okay bye love."
I hang up the phone and I tell Luna that Anne and Gemma are on their way. We sit and wait until they are here Luna getting more and more impatient, while we are playing barbies.until the door bell rings with Anne and Gemma at the door.
"Oh my, the bump is so big." Anne tells me pulling me into a hug.
"Nana, auntie Gemma I missed youuu." Luna says hugging them both.
"We missed you too love bug." Anne tells her kissing the top of her head.
"He's definitely growing, he's gonna be big I have a feeling." I tell Anne
"Most likely he will be." Anne tells me. "Have you chosen a name yet?"
"Harry wants Harry jr but im 100% against Harry jr, I'm not sure yet."
"He's full of it, whatever feels right in the moment I think is the best way to decide." Anne tells me while Luna pulls leg a to go play.
"I just wish he was here now, I don't want him to miss the birth if the baby comes early." I tell her
"I know his job is difficult for everyone to deal with, I know he feels bad and he wants to be right by your side all the time." Anne tells me.
"I know but, I'm happy I'm not completely alone now."
"We could've came sooner darling you should've told us."
"I know but I think it was good to have some alone time with Luna before the baby comes. So she doesn't feel like we don't love her."
"Yeah it was probably best to have time with just her."
Anne and I keep talking before Gemma comes down with Luna who is being her shadow. "Lunes give auntie cone space she will be here for a little while." I tell Luna who is now frowning and I know she's tired since she's been having a ton of nightmares every night being scared to fall asleep. "You guys can go to sleep, I'm gonna try to put her to sleep she's been having nightmares." I tell them bringing Luna upstairs to calm her before bed.
"Mommy why can't I sleep in your bed, it's scary in here."
"I know baby I'm sorry, that you're Having nightmares but they are just a dream they aren't real."
"But they are real you and daddy are in them."
I hold her close to me rubbing her head hoping this will calm her. "Daddy will be home tomorrow baby." I tell her softly kissing her head. "Come on you can sleep with me tonight we can see if it helps your bad dreams." I lift her up and carry her placing her on the bed tucking her into the bed while I go change. I let exhaustion take over my body, wanting Harry to be back I miss him and so does Luna.

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