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It was the day of Harry's album release and she was beyond proud of him and couldn't wait to hear the whole album with him tonight.

"Sienna I'm nervous to release this album it's so different from one direction. What if no one likes it." harry just kept rambling

"Hey.. hey Harry look at me they are going to love it and if they don't screw them you are going to have haters but you will have more love than hate ok." she stood up on her tippy toes and hugged him hoping it would help calm him down.

"Thank you Sienna for everything."

"Harry you have done it all I've just been here, for a couple of months."

"I know but you are really helpful and everything." he picked her up from the hug and kissed her  passionately. Soon they broke it apart and just stared at each other in awe.

2 hours have passed and it was time for Harry to take her to the hidden spot to hear the whole album with harry right by her side.

"Come on it's time to take a trip." he told her excited.

"Where are we going Bubs?"

"It's a surprise love."

they drove and soon enough they were at his secret spot.

"This is El Matador Beach, love."

Harry took out his phone and asked her to pick a number from 1-10 and that would be the first track they listen to together. She chose track 3 which was Carolina. She listened to the song in awe so proud of him and how far he has come. Soon she had listened to the whole album and loved every song that he had made. Once the last song played she reached up to Harry and hugged him so tight and whispered in his ear that she was so proud of him.

"What song was your favorite, love."

"All of them but maybe Carolina has a special place in my heart because I'm from North Carolina." 

"I knew that one would be your favorite." he smirked knowing that he wrote it about her when she was in North Carolina on break.

The two stayed on top of the cliff and just watched the waves crash on to the shore.

"We leave next Monday to go to North Carolina." she told the boy

"I know and I set up for a guard to walk us in case the word gets out that I'm going to the airport I don't want us to get bombarded especially you." he told the girl knowing how much the paparazzi and fans could change her life if the get a good picture of her face.

The sun has gone down and he could see that she was cold, so he took his sweat shirt off and put it on her knowing that she was cold to to her shaking.

"Harry stop you are going to get cold take your sweatshirt back." she told him 

"I'm not cold love, I can see you shaking so take the sweatshirt." he sternly told her as he wrapped his arms around her.

"fineee." she whined rubbing her hands on top of his.

Soon they decided to go back to his apartment to go to sleep since, it was late and she had classes in the morning. Both fell asleep tangled in each others arms happy with life and each other.

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