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Sienna pov

Today was the day that I start my radiologist internship. It last for two months but I have to be very aware as I'm learning everything. I got ready to go to my college campus which had a very high tech hospital where I would be doing the internship. I had gotten ready in my navy scrubs and some comfortable show since I would most definitely be on my feet all day long. I grabbed a hair tie and pulled my long blonde hair up into a ponytail. I walked out to my car nervous to start this new chapter of my life.

I got to where I'd be a lot for the next two months before I could start working on my own and even move to a better hospital. I met my so called boss she seemed a little bitchy and mean though. I knew all I had to do was get through the two months and then I was free with hopefully harry by my side.

"Hello interns, I'll be you boss dr. Robinson. This will probably feel like a long 2 month but it will fly by very fast. Some of you at the end of this internship could be offered a permeant position here, if we find that you are the most fit for the job. Good luck and ask any questions that you have." she spoke smiling.

We all silently followed her into the radiology wing of the hospital. Waiting for some type of instruction to come from her mouth.

"So this is where we will be most of the time, right now I'm going to show you guys how the machine works." she explain and she went on for about 10 minutes telling us very important things that we were going to need to learn.

I looked around the room and seemed to be the youngest which was kind of weird to me. I listened to the instructions she gave about the machine, I knew most of this already.

"We have someone coming in for a ankle x-ray. could anyone tell me how to position them.

I spoke up about the answer as the others tried to figure out how to.

"You are correct and you name is."

"Sienna Garcia."

"well dr.garcia you are going to put the patient into position for the X-ray. I will watch you and correct you if anything is wrong."

"okay, thank you." I could feel the nerves in my body start to pile up.

The patient was a 12 year old girl who looked to be in her gymnastic leotard, you could see the scared expression on her face. When she was wheeled into the room I bent down to her level and told her what was going to happen. I felt proud when she didn't look half as scared as before. I positioned her foot and looked up at my Dr. Robinson for confirmation that this was good. we walked behind the curtain while the machine took a picture of her foot. We saw that the film was good and I went in to tell the little girl that she was all done and did great. After the little girl left Dr. Robinson pulled me aside.

"Dr. Garcia that was very astonishing to watch. No one ever on their first day could comfort a patient, and place them for an X-ray. I am very impressed, keep up the good work and you could have a permeant place here." she said smiling at me.

"Thank you it means a lot Dr. Robinson." I said walking back into the room with her.

After a long 12 hours my first shift was basically over. I went to my apartment to find Harry making dinner for us, which took me by surprise.

"Hi bubs." I spoke wrapping my arms around his waist, inhaling his scent.

"Hi darling, how was your first day." he said spinning to face me.

"It was good I'd say, I preformed an X-ray with just supervision that I didn't need. I also comforted the patient. What did you do today." I said looking up at him occasionally.

"Thats amazing and I just had a few boring meetings about tour." he said

I remembered that he'd be leaving soon and I'd be alone again, which scared me but I didn't't want to tell him. Instead I enjoyed having my small figure pressed up against him.

"Love go sit down I know you've been on your feet all day. go rest I'll be there with food in a few minutes."

"No I'd rather stay pressed up against you." I said making a pouty face so he's hopefully let me stay.

"Ok, fine." I smirked knowing that I got what I wanted.

We both ate the meal he had made and all I wanted to do at this point was shower but I was too tired to get up and leave harry's warm body.

"go shower baby, I know you can't go to sleep with out it and when you get out we can go to sleep." he told me

I smiled at the fact that he remembered such a random fact. I got up and shivered as I was away from the warmness of his body. I walked out of the shower to find harry not in the bed, my heart dropped, I walked out of my room quietly to him on the phone. I decided it was private and he would come to bed soon. So I got into bed and put the sheets around my body wanting to have him there.I woke up about two hours later to a sinking of the bed signaling to me that he did leave me, he was still here. I felt a breath release that I didn't know that I was holding in when his arm wrapped around my torso. I fell into a deeper sleep with him there.

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