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Sienna Pov

The whole trip to my parents house was pretty bad I was bashed by my mom the whole time. I couldn't wait to leave no matter what she should've supported me, I'm her daughter it shouldn't matter if I'm fostering a child. I knew Luna needed a home and I was willing to provide mine for her. Today was the day that we were leaving I spent time with everyone but my mom and I not too much time together.

"Luna we are going back to California and only a few more weeks till we can go see Harry." I told her

"Really." she squealed

"Yes, but first we need to get you ready for the plane ride."

I changed her out of her pjs and did her hair into a low messy bun and I put everything into the luggages.

"Are you ready to leave Lunes."

she nodded her head and we said our goodbyes to my family and Hudson drove us to the airport.

"Bye hud thank you." I told him

"Bye Si and Bye munchkin be good for Sienna ok." Hudson spoke to both of us.

"Ok bye bye." Luna spoke giggling

I waved bye to my brother and held Luna's hand through out the airport while we went through security and until we got to the gate to board. Soon we got on the plane and were on our way back to California. Luna was asleep on my chest and I watched a movie enjoying the quiet time to recollect my thoughts from this trip. It was definitely an awful trip but I tried to understand my moms point of view on this situation. I just want to believe it is just stress but I'm not sure. I wanted her to see the shy loving girl that I took in not a mistake that I "could've" made. But I know it's not. But god I miss Harry so much he would make everything better. He was touring making others happy so I would wait for my day to come. I knew I needed to figure out a place to put Luna so I can work more like I was before but I didn't know how I could do that. My thoughts didn't shut up the whole flight so I couldn't wait to be at my apartment.

"Lunes wake up we are landing." I gently shook her small body.

"No I'm tired." she mumbled into my arm.

"You can nap in the car darling ok."


she sat up and rubbed her eyes adjusting to the bright lights.

Once the plane landed I held her in my arms as we walked off the plane and I grabbed my purse putting it on my shoulder.. I grabbed my checked bag and walked out to the car buckling Luna into her car seat letting her fall back to sleep.I listened to Harry's album Carolina always made me smile it was my favorite.Once we arrived home I woke Luna up so she could eat some chick fil a that I picked up on the way home. Luna played with her toys while I did laundry and cleaned a little until it was time for her bath. I finished everything and put her to bed and I decided to play on my phone and I saw a couple texts from Anne and Gemma checking in on me and no messages from Harry which kinda upset me but he was busy. I responded to Anne and Gemma telling then that I've been good slightly lying.

I went to bed missing having harry's body next to mine. I got up and grabbed one of his sweatshirts that he left at my apartment hugging it close to my body, inhaling the leftover cologne.

Harry pov

The guilt of being busy and being away from Sienna is eating me alive. I haven't texted her in 5 days I've been drowning in work. The shows have been amazing though but they would be better if she was here watching me preform. I would text her tomorrow but now I had my shows in Germany.

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