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Sienna pov
I've know Harry now for a year and I was coming up on thanksgiving break when I met him. It has now been a year knowing the boy who could bring me so much happiness.We have been laying low since the fan freak out in Santa Barbra. He chose to make a post saying he likes to keep his life private and asking if they would respect it but not addressing me at all.  For thanksgiving we had decided on going to London, so we could let Luna meet Anne and see her auntie Gemma again. It was just a normal day in London though but my family really didn't celebrate it so it didn't matter that I was missing it. I was packing Luna's bag and I knew I'd mostly be doing Harry's too because he would end up forgetting a bunch of stuff. Harry and Luna stayed downstairs playing just dance, since it was her favorite game. I had signed Luna up for dance lessons and she enjoyed them a lot, I loved watching her and so did Harry.
"Mommy mommy I learned a new trick." She called out to me running up the steps to me.
"Really, I'll come watch you for a few minutes." I say wondering what the two did while I was packing.
Luna had her gymnastics mat that Harry bought her laid out on the ground while Harry was sitting next to it.
"I got my back walkover mommy." She said smiling at me then looked at Harry. "Don't spot me please." He nodded but was ready in case she needed it.
"Go for it lunes." I say and she goes into a clean back walkover. "That was amazing Luna, I'm so proud of you." I say hugging her.
"Do you think Miss. Jamie will let me put it in my routine."she asked me.
"Maybe but you have a bunch of other skills in it too." I say knowing her routine is all acrobatic. After my comment she nodded and went back to doing a bunch of tricks. She had amazing back flexibility.
"She seems like how you would be when you were a child." Harry says in my ear holding me while I observe Luna doing tricks.
"Close representation of me but I did more lyrical dances than acrobatics." I say
"Excited for London tomorrow darling."
"Of course I miss your family."
"Well I might've pushed our flight up to 12 am but we would get there at about noon in London, so we could have the day. At my house to relax then go to my moms the next day."
"Okay that's fine but I need to finish packing, for us." I say turning away to go finish packing.
I pack while Harry and Luna bond, they had a father daughter bond. I finished packing at 5 pm and Harry had ordered pizza for all of us, since it was easy. We were going to try and keep Luna up until we had to leave so she'd sleep on the flight. At about 10 Luna fell asleep and we let her sleep until we got to the airport but to say the lease she was cranky and tired not a good mix for a child. Harry did end up carrying her the whole time. But this time we were flying private and I felt bad I didn't want him to spend that much money.
"Sienna what's on your mind I can tell when you start over thinking." He spoke when he saw me spinning the ring around my finger.
"Why did you spend so much money on us Harry we would've been fine." I spoke
"Sienna look at me darling. I have more money than I need and I wanted to treat us. Don't think like that, I love you and I want the best for you." He said tilting my chin up so we would make the eye contact that I was avoiding.
"I know H, but it makes me feel bad that I can't offer you anything bedsides a couple bills being paid."
"And I didn't even want you to pay them. But your love and Luna is enough for me." He said and kissed my lips to calm me down.
"I love you Harry."
"And I love you Sienna."
We fell asleep on his plane in each others arms. We slept for most of the fight we woke up when we were landing. Luna woke up a few minutes after us wanting something to eat and we told her after we land. We left the plane and got into the car Harry had booked for us. We stopped at McDonald's for Luna before we arrived at Harry's since he didn't have anything in his house in London most likely. When we arrived at his house, it was beautiful. I loved being able to do this with the man I love in which the love story started on a sidewalk.
"Harry this is gorgeous." I spoke when we walked in.
"So are you darling." He said wrapping his arms around me as I stared in awe of the house.
"Dork." I say and spin around so I'm facing him.
We stare at each other for a few minutes not realizing time has passed at all. He eventually kisses me and then we go find Luna who is sitting on Harry's huge bed.
"It's like a princess bed mommy." Luna says to me and I giggle at her comment.
"Hello princess luna what would you like to do." He comes in and has a crown and I begin to question why he has one but it's funny.
"Can we go see Anne and Gemma." She asked looking at Harry
"Of course let us get ready and we can leave princess Luna." He spoke walking out to let his mom know that we'd be coming over for a little bit.
I decided to change into new pair of sweats and a hoodie since I was tired from traveling. I changed Luna into some new leggings and her favorite shirt that Harry got her. Once Harry was ready we left to his moms house and Luna was singing the whole car ride and it was truly the happiest I've ever been in life. I loved watching Harry and Luna sing and mess around, I would occasionally join in but I like to watch them when they have those times together. We arrived at Anne's house and Luna was starting to get shy, knowing she hasn't grown out of being shy around new people.
"Lunes don't be shy you have talked to Anne multiple times." I say helping her out if her car seat. Watching her nod and reach for my hand to hold to walk up to the door. Harry knock on the door and Anne answered smiling.
"Hi Sienna and Harry, where is the munchkin at." Anne asked looking for Luna who was hiding behind me.
"She is being shy so she is hiding behind me." I said moving out of the way so Luna could come into view. Holding her hand so she won't go hide behind Harry.
"Hi Luna, I'm Anne. Don't be shy on me we have talked a bunch." Anne spoke smiling at Luna.
"Hi." Luna said and went to hug Harry's leg.
"Come in you guys make yourself sat home. Gemma will be here in a little bit." She spoke
"Luna bug come with me I wanna show you something." He spoke Luna following him curiously.
"How have you been darling." Anne asked me
"A little stressed with everything and work. But it was worse when he went to Tokyo and I was trying to 12 different things at once." I told her honestly
"I know but it's always gonna be stressful. But for now he's staying in once place for a little bit."
"I love him and I know how much he loves his job so I'm willing to deal with it for however long I need to."
"Thank you Sienna. I'm happy that you aren't gonna leave because of his job."
"Me too I was lost without him for those 3 months without him as my person, it was awful."
"I'm happy you let him back." She told me
"Talking about me now sienna aren't you." Harry asked wrapping his arm around me while Luna giggled at him."
"And feed your narcissistic tendencies, Nope." I say and kiss his cheek and he rolls his eyes hugging his mom and greeting her. Luna got up from my lap and went to go hug Anne after Harry did it. It was like a game of monkey see monkey do but I was proud of Luna for not being shy right now. Anne and Luna hung out in her backyard leaving Harry and I together in the living room.
"I'm ready for a nap." I spoke and he instantly agreed with me. We had fallen asleep but were woken up by Gemma yelling at us to wake up. Luna was showing Anne all of her tricks that she could do consistently. We talked to Gemma before she went out to go see Luna. But I knew Harry and I would like to leave soon since we would be coming back tomorrow.
"Hey mom and Luna we think we are gonna head out but we will be back tomorrow." He spoke.
"Ok, luna I will see you tomorrow sweetie." Anne spoke kissing her forehead and saying bye to us.
Harry picked up Luna and brought her out to the car so I could buckle her into her car seat. We eventually left and drive back to Harry's house and got Luna showered and ready for bed. Harry and I got a shower before going to bed.
"We are leaving Luna with my mom for one night I wanna take you out on a date." He said running his fingers through my damp hair.
"And I would gladly accept that offer."
"Well goodnight love."
"Goodnight babe."

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