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Sienna pov
We have been in London for a month and Harry has been thinking about auditioning for a movie, well another one since he was in Dunkirk. But I only know that he's thinking I don't know if he's sure about it he wants to do it. But I think he should go for it.
"Go do the audition." I tell him doing my best to pushing him to do it knowing his fans would love it since his tour was postponed.
"I don't know, it's a big role." He says looking at me while I sat on his lap running my finger through his hair.
"But you'll never know if you would've been amazing for the role unless you try and audition, H. I'll support whatever you decide." I tell him directly.
"Thank you, I love you." He says kissing me passionately and we were soon interrupted by crying coming from where Brantley was. "I'll get him stay here." He says getting up to go get the crying baby, soon bringing him back into our room. He's teething some more so he's definitely irritable, and drool filled.
"Aww B." I say holding him massaging his gums for a second before bring him downstairs for a snack. Harry follows starting to make breakfast for all of us knowing Luna would be waking up soon. We gave Brantley some pancakes watching him play around with the food and babble, making a mess. "You're a messy eater aren't you." I say trying to wipe his fingers and face, doing my best with him fighting against me. Luna eventually came down rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.
"Pancakes! I love pancakes!" She says running over to her seat at the table digging into her pancakes. "Thank you!" She said with her mouthful.
"You're welcome, but remember don't talk with your mouth full bug." Harry tells her smiling and eating his pancakes too.
"Okay daddy, does baby brother like his pancakes." She asks us looking and Brantley playing in the mess of pancakes he has made.
"I think he does, he also likes to make messes that's for sure." I tell her kissing her head before getting Brantley out of his high chair and into the bath because he was sticky and messy. After bath time I went back out to see Harry playing barbies a sight that always makes me laugh. I sit down next to them and watch Brantley pick up a Barbie and starts to bite it.
"Brantley No these are my barbies! Stop it!" She says starting to get upset knowing Brantley is drooling and biting on her barbies hair and face. She tried to take the Barbie from him resulting in two crying children. I take the barbies from Brantley replacing it with a new toy and bringing her Barbie to the sink to wash the drool off of it.
"Good as new, look she just need to dry. No more need for tears." I say wiping the tears off her face and rub her back allowing her to resume play with her barbies. Harry and I look at each other knowing they are gonna be a handful when they are older. Harry leaves for a phone call leaving me alone with the monsters while we wait for Anne to come over, knowing everyone is calm at least for a little bit. Luna has started coloring while I cleaned the house Brantley playing in his bouncy seat. I cleaned for 15 minutes before Anne arrive Luna rushing to give her a hug and a kiss excited to show her the coloring page she just did. Anne said hi to me before going to see Luna's art work and she picked up Brantley on the way. Once I finish cleaning I put on my shoes with the kids so we can go for a walk and get some fresh air.
"Mommy can I sit on the back of the stroller." Luna asks giving me puppy dog eyes.
"How about you walk for a little bit and on the way home you can sit in the stroller." I try to bargain with her.
"But Brantley isn't walking." She tells me placing her hands on her hips.
"Cause he doesn't know how to yet, silly." I tell her as we stand in the garage while I place Brantley in his seat buckling him in.
"Fine, but you promise I get to sit on the ride back."
"I promise come on, let's get some sunlight even if it's cloudy." I say and I push the stroller Luna holding Anne's hand as they walk, well Luna's skipping getting easily distracted. Brantley had fallen asleep halfway through the walk, soon I set Luna up on the stroller while we were on our way back hoping Harry had finished his phone call knowing we've been gone for a good amount of time. Stopping at a park to play for a little. When we got home I changed Brantley and went to go check on Harry to see if he needed anything. Luna stayed and colored with Anne trying to convince me to let her stay at nanas house tonight, but I needed to talk with Harry about it.
"Hi you good." I say walking into his office.
"Yeah, just a little exhausted." He says pulling me on to his lap.
"Well Luna wants to sleep over Anne's tonight." I tell him rubbing his shoulders.
"If my mom is okay with it she can, we can have some alone time because I know the little one will be asleep early."
"Don't jinx it, come downstairs please." I tell him begging.
"Okay let's go darling." He says and we walk downstairs Luna rushing to his side to ask him if she can stay at nana's house.
"Daddy, can I stay with nana tonight, pretty please." She asks him hugging his legs.
"Is nana okay with it, if she is you can." He says looking at Anne who nods.
"She suggested it daddy." She pauses "I'm gonna go pack I'll be right back."she says running up the steps.
"I'm gonna go help her so she doesn't Bering her whole closet." I say following her upstairs, I help her pack a small backpack. Following her back downstairs to buckle her up in Anne's car. "Be good for nana, I'll see you tomorrow." I say giving her a kiss before Harry comes outside. We stay our goodbyes before Anne drives away leaving us with one kid for the night. Giving us some much needed alone time with out the two little rascals around. Harry and I put Brantley to bed early doing our best on sleep training right now. Harry and I relaxed enjoying being with each other in the quiet house.

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