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Sienna pov
Tomorrow was Harry's birthday and I had a ton of stuff to do for his party, since we didn't do much for him last year I thought this would be an amazing way to make it up to him. We were in Tokyo at the moment because I knew how much he loved Tokyo so, we took a vacation for his birthday. I had planned a dinner then a night out, I have someone who will watch Luna for me. She isn't a big person on clubbing so she offered to watch Luna for me. I knew Harry was gonna be out pretty much all day doing recordings. I was fine staying in his penthouse here with Luna who was being a bit of a pain, since Harry wasn't here. I did my best to wear her out so that she would take a nap so I could do some party planning. I was gonna bring Luna out with me to go get something's to decorate his apartment. Even though there's a high possibility I get lost but I know things that are close to his house.
"Mommy are we gonna go get things for daddy's birthday." She asked me smiling.
"Of course lets put on some shoes and we can go, but we have to keep it a secret from daddy." I say placing my pointer finger on my lips making a shhh sound to her. We walked out and went to a store to buy a couple of things so we could decorate tomorrow morning. I had gotten some paper and markers too for Luna to be able to draw Harry a picture as a birthday card, knowing how much he would rather have something made than bought. When we arrive back to the penthouse, Luna went to go draw a picture for Harry. While I hid his surprise decorations, I checked my phone and saw he was gonna be home soon. I thought he'd be at the studio later than 5pm but I'd prefer this so I could be with him and get to relax with him.
"Honey I'm home." He said barging in the door yelling a bit and startling me completely.
"Thank you for scaring me." I tell him walking up to greet him with a hug and a kiss. He hugs me back tightly while we hear Luna running over to see Harry.
"Daddy you're home." She spoke jumping up so that he would hold her as he hugged her, it was something they would always do.
"I am home bug, what did you and mommy do while I was gone." He asked her
"We played games and I drew pictures." She said giggling since she knew what the pictures were.
"Can I see your drawing." He asked
"No, it's not done yet." She said sticking her tongue out at him.
"Well aren't you a sassy little one." He said after he placed her on the sofa to start tickling her.
"No more tickles." She said through the giggles escaping her lips. Once Harry stop she went right back to sitting on his hip, she loves to be carried.
"Would you two like to go on a walk through a park. It might have a play set Luna." He spoke asking.
"Yes yes can we please." Luna asked practically begging to go.
"Yes we can go get your shoes." I tell her shooing her off. I had on my sneakers. When Luna came back I helped her make sure her shoes were on the right feet and had a jacket in case she got cold. We walked with Luna holding each one of our hands occasionally lifting her up in the air when she started skipping. We arrived at the park that was covered in cherry blossoms it was beyond beautiful. Luna ran over to the play area while Harry and I watched her but soon were waved over to push her on the swings.
"Mommy I bet I can swing higher than you can." She challenged me.
"Okay Luna we can have a contest daddy will be the judge." I tell her smiling looking back at Harry. We played on the swing for a good amount of time before she wanted to play on the slides. After about 2 hours it started to get dark so we decided to start walking back, knowing it was getting late. When we got back I ran a bath for Luna while Harry made dinner for all of us. I changed Luna then brought her downstairs for dinner, knowing she'd crash right after eating. She stayed up longer than we thought she would after she went to bed Harry and I relaxed with a live quietly playing while we talked to each other.
"When do you think you are gonna release the album." I ask him curious for when I could finally hear it.
"Maybe December of this year, not completely sure yet." He response pulling me closer to him.
"That okay you have time, I can't wait to hear it." I tell him looking up at him and giving him a smile.
"Come on let's go to bed, it's late." He says
"A few more minutes, it's fine we never end up actually going to sleep." I say
"10 more minutes and that's it." He says as sternly as he can get. I laugh at him then peck his lips with mine. After ten minuets he ends up picking me up and bringing me into the room because I fell asleep on the couch, I was doing my best keeping him up so that he'd sleep a little later tomorrow. He changed my clothes replacing it with one of his shirts then kissing my forehead before changing into his pjs.

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