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Sienna pov

I didn't sleep last night I was too busy thinking about why I wasn't good enough for him. I saw messages popping up on my phone choosing to ignore them and I made breakfast watching tv. Once I finished I woke Luna up letting her eat.

"mom are you ok." luna spoke

I was shocked that she called me mom. "I'm fine but I have to tell you something in a little bit." I answered her.

"Ok." she finished her waffles and followed me on to the couch.

"So Luna, harry and I aren't together anymore so we probably won't see him again." I told her my eyes filling with tears as she looked at me with a frown on her face.


"I don't know babes."

"Are you gonna miss him."

"Of course I will he was a great love of mine."

Luna hugged me wanting to be close to me knowing that she was definitely attached to him which I didn't want to happen but it did. I didn't think he'd break a promise like that.

"Can we go to the beach today mommy."

"I have to go into work for a few hours could we go after."


"Okay let's get you dressed and you'll be good at day care right."

"Of course mommy."

She dressed herself and I got into my scrubs not caring about my appearance I just went through a break up. Once e got to work I said bye to her going down to my department. I did my 5 hour shift feeling extremely drained but I promised the beach for her and I wouldn't break the promise.

"Hi babes let's go."

I held her hand walking out of the day care.

"Mommy I made a friend and I'm tired can we go to the beach tomorrow."

"Of course. let's go take a nap ok."

I had her wash her hands and I changed into some sweatpants and one go Harry's hoodies and walked out and played on the couch with Luna next to me and we both fell asleep. I woke up to my phone ringing and I got up from the couch walking to my room seeing the contact was from Gemma. I answered it not wanting to at all.

"are you okay Sienna."

"I'm fine why."

"There are pictures of my idiot brother leaving a club with a model which isn't you."

I felt my heart basically rise up into my throat wanting to throw up. "he broke up with me yesterday with a note Gemma."

"I can't believe him, are you ok I'll fly out to California and we could hang out."

""I'm ok I think it was just so unexpected."

"I'm coming to California I wanna check on you and see Luna I wanna meet her. Plus you need girl time."

"Gem you don't have to I'm ok."

"I don't care, I don't want to see my brother after he did this to you so I'm gonna come to California."

"Fine." I gave in

"Ok I'll see you tomorrow."

"Ok bye, Luna is waking up see you tomorrow."

"Bye I'll text you when I land."

I ended the call running into the bathroom puking. He was over me that fast it was almost like 8 months meant nothing to him. I couldn't even cry anymore, I felt empty almost even numb.

"Mommy, are you ok." luna asked coming into the bathroom.

"Yes bubs I just felt a little sick."

"Like what I had a few days ago."

"Yep but I'm all better."

I played barbies with her until I decided to make us homemade Mac and cheese for dinner. But I still managed to multitask.

"Bubs my friend Gemma is coming over tomorrow."


I nod my head

"is she nice."

"Of course bubs I wouldn't let anyone mean around you."

I made her plate with some Mac and cheese and she ate the whole thing.

"Mom can we have a dance party."

"Of course, what song would you like."

"You choose."

I put on some Taylor swift songs and she loved them she kept jumping around the kitchen.

"Will you teach me one of your dances you made."

"how about we make one together."


I choose a song and I helped her make up a dance smiling at her losing her balance sometimes or forgetting a move. I was enjoying this moment but eventually it was bedtime for her.

"Come on you need to shower and go to bed."

she ran to the bathroom and waited for me to start her bath. she finished he bath letting rewash her hair. I dried her off and let her brush her teeth while I finished drying her hair. enjoying the time I have spent with her today. I finished her story and kissed her forehead and left her room and I showered and go some sleep.

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