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Sienna pov
We arrive at the restaurant and it was empty.
"Harry please tell me you didn't rent this restaurant out for tonight." I say feeling bad.
"Stop worrying darling." He said as he helped me out of the car holding my hand.
We walk into the restaurant and it's beautiful, all white with a white rose bouquet on our table that we were being taken to. He pulled out my seat then sat next to me. I could tell Harry was nervous but I couldn't pin point for what. We ordered and kept chatting until we stayed for a little while longer before ordering dessert. Harry had gotten up and walked over to my left side, spinning me so I was facing him.
"Remember when you crashed into me on the busy streets of LA, and I tried to get you to come in to my apartment to help clean your knee, and you didn't know who I was. Then the next day I saw you studying and I brought you back to the apartment and you stayed until your flight and we talked every day until you came back. Then your graduation to adopting Luna, the breakup but then you came back and helped me realized that you are the one for me through thick and thin. Sienna Grace Will you make me the happiest man in the world, will you marry me." He asked me.
"Oh my god! One hundred Times Yes!" I frantically nodded my right hand covered my mouth as he slipped a diamond ring on my finger. I was in tears it was so sentimental. I jumped into his arms when he stood up.
"I love you so much Harry." I say
"Well I hope you do because now you are stuck with me now." He spoke kissing my lips.
"You're the only person I'd want to be stuck with for the rest of my life besides Luna."
I was so happy and surprised I didn't start connecting the dots sooner. Everything makes sense from the girls day to "business meetings."
"I thought you would've caught on I was so nervous." He told me.
"I'm surprised I didn't."
"I had a photographer here and he got picture of me proposing. We should get them edited this week."
"You really had this perfectly planned out. Thank you."
"Ok well now we could go back to my house and have sometime to do whatever we want to with out Luna intruding on us doing anything."
"Let's do that." I say and he grabs my hand leading me out to the car and by now it was 8:00 and I couldn't wait to be alone with my fiancé. We sang in the car smiling and laughing having the time of our life's being with each other. When we got to his house he grabbed my hand and kissed me passionately, soon walking into his house. The kissing became more intense both of us intensely craving each other. Harry carried me up to his room laying me on the bed taking off his jacket and shirt, then returning to the kiss. He pulled my dress down and continued to deepen the kiss. He reached behind me making me arch so he could undo my bra and take it off. He started to kiss my sweet spot and I moaned softly. We were both left in our underwear kissing intensely his tongue fighting for dominance in my mouth.One thing lead to another and we did it ended with us heavily breathing exhausted.
"That was amazing." He spoke quickly kissing my lips.
"It was." I said agreeing with him thankful Anne could watch Luna tonight. "I love you Harry." I said out eyes making contact.
"I love you Sienna soon to be Styles." He said making me laugh, he always had the ability to make me laugh whenever and I loved that about him.
We called Anne to tell Luna goodnight since she was always used to that routine.It was 9:30 and we decided to get into the shower before going to sleep. I was beyond in love with this man and I couldn't believe that we were going to be getting married. I admired my ring once we got out of the shower and we soon went to bed happy in each others arms.

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